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Everything posted by Sugarloaf1989

  1. This is the remains of the garage next to the house in Enfield that my son rents. It collapsed under the weight of the heavy snow.
  2. But the NWS forecast wasn't great. I stayed under a WWA and got 10" of snow. P/C forecast was for 3-5" later upgraded to 4-6" Visibility was near zero at times last night with heavy snow.
  3. This snowfall is exactly twice as large as the largest snowfall last year in my area. The 7.5" in November of 2018 was the largest.
  4. Snowing here for the last 1/2 hour with large flakes.
  5. 15" storm total here in my part of Enfield.
  6. Congratulations, you finally avoided the valley snowhole.
  7. Very heavy snow with near zero visibility. Has to be over 12" here.
  8. NWS increased the P/C to 4-6" here, but this should be WSW.
  9. Looks like about 5" here and 10" total. It's a steady light to borderline moderate snowfall.
  10. This should be a WSW event for Hartford County.
  11. I think we might make 12" in Enfield if it keeps going overnight. At 9.5" right now.
  12. Heavy snow, 27F. Looks like around 4-4.5" of new snow.
  13. It happened in extreme N. Connecticut. I was riding the line between snow and sleet.
  14. Was looking out at my dark second story roof. Have 3" new since midnight.
  15. Snowing heavily here, 3" new so far today. Really blowing around.
  16. Nice to get a fresh snow on top of 5" of glacial snow and sleet.
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