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Everything posted by Sugarloaf1989

  1. Yeah I noticed that. The snow today didn't strick to pavement very well, even with the temperatures at 28F . The roughly 1" of snow from this morning is gone.
  2. Winter Storm Warning dropped here. Now have a Winter Weather Advisory. From a forecast of 7-11" to 2-4". What a forecast dud.
  3. The plan if the weather is good. Is to visit my sister in law. She lives in Kirkland, just south of Montreal. Her house is just inside the eclipse path of totality.
  4. I skied at Ski Sundown last night for my adaptive skiing lesson. At first I tried a mono ski. But I couldn't balance myself with my arms and kept falling over. So we switched over to there brand new Rossignol Snow Cart. This cart let's me lye down and control the ski's with poles. I can snowplow, turn and brake to control my speed. Unfortunately I can't use it solo as the base is spring loaded for boarding a chairlift. The chairlift has to be stopped for loading. We took 3 Runs down from the summit. Tom's Treat, Canyon and Nor'Easter. It felt good to ski these trails again. I got some speed on these trails. There a nice group of people. Very friendly and Patient. My next lesson is on February 7th.
  5. It snowed here fairly decently between 11 and midnight. Small flake size. I think there's about 1/2" Currently it's overcast and 34F.
  6. Better than I thought. About 1" this morning. Just flurries and light snow right now. I was expecting just rain.
  7. Accumulating on pavement. Snow and 32F.
  8. I'm going to try adaptive skiing next week for the first time at Ski Sundown. I'm really excited. I haven't been skiing since March of 2021. My legs just got too weak. Hopefully it goes well. I'll post a report.
  9. Snow and 32F. Heaviest of the event so far. Just a dusting on the grass. Pavement is wet.
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