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Everything posted by Sugarloaf1989

  1. High wind, heavy rain, lightning and some hail, but only lasted for 3-5 minutes. Now back to moderate rain and calm winds.
  2. Yeah, that liftline could get long. Killington Double Chair mid-station loading. October 31st, 1992. Boomerang, Upper Goat Path and Upper Cascade being the opened trails.
  3. Killington used to download from Killington Peak for early and late season skiing via the double chair. Now it's just a limited time for early season skiing. Killington 10/31/92:
  4. Sunday River used to download on the Locke Mountain Triple from skiing on T2 before it became TTB skiing later in the season. I also remember downloading at Okemo after skiing upper mountain terrain. But that place requires a shuttle bus after downloading.
  5. Killington is temporarily closed and the Northridge Quad has mechanical issues.
  6. 28F here this morning, we went straight to first freeze without earlier frost.
  7. Not sure about coast to coast furnace. Ski season started in Lake Tahoe this October. That's only happened 3 times in the last 70 years. Second snowiest October on record for Donner Summit since 1970 https://www.sfgate.com/renotahoe/article/second-snowiest-october-in-Tahoe-16565871.php
  8. I was in Western Connecticut on 10/11 to look at the foliage and it was 75F even at elevation. The trees just looked confused.
  9. I haven't driven around for foliage since last Friday. Big change in the Oaks. They are now at peak and maybe 10% green. Most of what's green in this first picture is Pine. Somers, Connecticut with okay Oak colors. In town it's about 20-30% bare. Sad to see the end is near for foliage.
  10. 10 days behind, not 2-3 weeks. And my photos are of foliage comparison, not the grass.
  11. Not really, foliage isn't 2-3 weeks behind, just worse this year. Too warm and too much rain. South of Vermont wasn't good this year.
  12. Word is Killington is aiming to open up on 11/5 for pass holders and 11/6 for the general public. That's with terrain in the Glades area. Hate the Northridge name.
  13. I feel for those with damage and no power. Living alone and disabled is hard enough, storm damage is unwanted. Hope all members affected by the storm come out okay.
  14. No damage here, just lots of leaves down. Highest gust overnight was 33MPH. And about 1.5"of rain for a total.
  15. Can't wait for the high winds later on and tree branches crashing down. Stuff of dreams.
  16. No rain and barely any wind for the last half hour.
  17. Wind is picking up, but it's just a steady breeze. My back yard is covered in Oak leaves. One Oak is nearly completely changed to gold color.
  18. Connecticut River Death Valley is where big wind, rain and snowfall totals come to die. Works for me, huge Oaks, old roof and house. Don't want any damage while waiting for a place to live.
  19. Lare season burst of foliage color in Tolland and Enfield. Some nice foliage scattered around, but in hard to photograph areas. Tolland, Connecticut:
  20. I forgot to post this last week. Mohawk Mountain 10/11/20 and this year on 10/15/20. The foliage isn't delayed much, just not good this year. Photo taken this year from a different location because the parking lot was closed. Also 75F outside when I took this picture last week.
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