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Everything posted by Sugarloaf1989

  1. It's tough in cities because space is at a premium. The walking/exercise is good for me. And thankfully a deserted street to park on. I meant to ask beforehand, but I was coming regardless.
  2. Thanks for setting this up, nice place I just wish it had parking for handicapped people, but that's tough in cities. Nice to get out of the house. Thanks about my Dad.
  3. My brief stint of standing without holding on to anything for support.
  4. Sunday River is actually open TTB today, no downloading required. So they beat Killington in that department.
  5. Sunday River is open with 4 trails on Locke Mountain with downloading. Today is season pass and ticket blocks access only. Sugarloaf opening on Monday weather permitting with TTB skiing on Tote Road and Kings Landing. Lift tickets will be $55 purchased online.
  6. As of right now, it's only snowmaking on the upper mountain down to mid-station. Rain and warmth coming tomorrow and Monday.
  7. See everyone tomorrow, I'll be easy to spot walking with my hiking poles.
  8. That was my experience eating dinner in Springfield last week. But Springfield ended the mask mandate on 11/1.
  9. I didn't mean to cause trouble. I just thought I would check and mention the mask mandate. I know about this because I came across it grocery shopping in Agawam last month. I wasn't wearing a mask or carrying one. I was approached by the manager and asked to put one on or leave the store. It's difficult for me to walk back to my car, so I left.
  10. I agree with you, I visited my doctor on Monday and you can't enter the building without wearing a mask at all times regardless of vaccination status. What's the point of being vaccinated? And the spotty mask compliance which varies from town/county is idiotic.
  11. Enforcement seems to be on the county/town level and in Massachusetts. Here in Connecticut I don't know of any such measures. I do see alot of people wearing masks where I live, mostly older folks.
  12. Those trees in the picture are Sugar Maples. Actually today it's about 95% bare in town.
  13. My part of town is about 80% bare, but I still have foliage color on 11/18. Never seen that before this late in November.
  14. Closing in on December and I've only gone through 1/4 tank of heating oil.
  15. You need one walking into the restaurant, and when not eating or drinking. I'll bring a sealed box of type N95 with me if anyone needs it. I'm in a high risk group with my disease.
  16. It's called asking you to put one on, or leave. Happened to me last month in Springfield.
  17. FYI, Worcester has a mask mandate since 9/17/21, for all public indoor gatherings.
  18. About one hour for me, mostly interstate. Going to take 1-91, I-291 and the pike to Worcester.
  19. Thank you, I'll be there around 1:45. The weather right now looks sunny and cold. My first time at a get together, looking forward to meeting you fine folks.
  20. Wind picking up again from the NNW, looks like the front is through. 45F.
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