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Everything posted by Sugarloaf1989

  1. De Carli Equestrian Center. Ellington C.T October 18th 2024.
  2. I visited my friend in NYC on October 27th, 2023. It was cloudless and 80F. A beautiful day for late October. Peak foliage and Summer warmth.
  3. 30F here with heavy frost and oddly fog.
  4. 35F here with patchy frost. Should help turn the remaining green foliage.
  5. Summer snowfall at Mammoth Moutain. That's gotta be uncommon in late August.
  6. Severe Thunderstorm here with hail. The most I've ever seen. Almost looks like it's snowing ice pellets. Hail about dime size.
  7. https://www.facebook.com/share/v/bxEeoVBES2PTuUXr/?mibextid=xfxF2i Record low of 27F on Mount Washington this morning.
  8. Pouring rain here with thunderstorms. Happy Summer. I like my WU astronomy for tomorrow. Tomorrow will be 3 seconds shorter.
  9. Just checked Spaceweather and it looks like another class 5 CME is forecast for 5/12, but might hit on May13th. At least the cloudy weather might clear up.
  10. It did snow on 4/3. I keep trying to turn the heat off in my living room at night. But the overnight temperatures have been chilly.
  11. Just done after that please. 5/17/23 was a late season freeze disaster in Connecticut. The local orchards around here had no apples last Fall.
  12. 31F here with frost. A few upper 20's away from the Connecticut River. Definitely a cold April. NWS says freeze possible on Wednesday night and more frost. I really hope it's done going below freezing past that point.
  13. NWS has the forecast low temperature for Monday at 28F. That's a late season freeze.
  14. 37F here currently with a frost advisory for Sunday night into Monday. Leaf out has been slow with cold overnight temperatures and the freeze last Monday.
  15. I was supposed to be in Montreal for the eclipse. Unfortunately my sister in law had other obligations.
  16. The owls hooting at 3:30 in Enfield was interesting. 2:12pm 3:27pm
  17. Unfortunately cloudy at peak. But it's fairly dark. The owls are hooting.
  18. Enfield at 2pm. Shows about to start. Damn that sun is strong. I can see why the snow-cover is melting.
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