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Everything posted by Sugarloaf1989

  1. 39F here in Enfield and very windy. Just overcast currently.
  2. Radar bark is worse than the bite, very little precipitation here right now. Even in NNE, skiing cams show it barely snowing.
  3. NWS has rain ending as snow here in Enfield. Last snowfall here was 4/17/21.
  4. I'm not sure we're you are located, or elevation. If you want to see flakes, the best bet would probably be Soapstone Mountain off route 190. You can drive to the top and it's 1 000'
  5. 41F here and overcast. I think a front passed through. Very windy with NNW gusts.
  6. The webcams showed people skiing today. Perhaps employees testing the snow?
  7. Rain flipped over to snow at the base of Bolton Valley, Sugarbush, MRG and Stratton. According to the webcams on YouTube. Sugarbush and Stratton are opened today, but conditions don't look great.
  8. I just checked the webcam at Mohawk Mountain in NW Connecticut. This is between 1,000' and 1,600'. Snowmaking snow on the ground, but raining and 39F https://www.mohawkmtn.com/the-mountain/webcam/
  9. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. I'm visiting family in NYS.
  10. Looks like I have to get a plowing person for my driveway. Don't know who my Dad used.
  11. 19F here overnight, first teens of this Fall season.
  12. https://www.facebook.com/61554966878/posts/10157951316221879/?sfnsn=mo
  13. For the Connecticut peeps, Mohawk Mountain started making snow overnight and is opening in early December.
  14. Do you ice fish in the Oxbow? Driving home from skiing, I often see people ice fishing that area.
  15. Logistics wise, Boston may be too difficult for a handicapped person. I'll probably pass on this one. Had fun last Saturday.
  16. Just hope to avoid freezing rain as much as possible. Extremely dangerous for me being handicapped. Already worried about getting the mail this Winter.
  17. With the warm Fall we have are SST's above normal for late November around here? Probably more problematic for coastal folks than average.
  18. Sugarloaf open today with 7 trails, 2 lifts, 36 acres of terrain and 2,500' of vertical drop.
  19. I went trout fishing with my niece about two weeks ago on the Lackawanna River. My sister lives in Milford, Pennsylvania. Didn't catch anything, but had fun. This river was completely dead 100 years ago with acid mine drainage and other industrial pollution. Now it's crystal clear and stocked twice a year. I invited her and her husband to come to Connecticut and we can fish in the Farmington River. Despite being handicapped, I can cast sitting down.
  20. I actually liked this location, easy to get too and good food. I'm not a big fan of driving at night, but it's only 65 miles away and mostly highway. Doing it again here is fine with me. Parking was on a dead end street and safe for a handicapped person.
  21. Sugarloaf is actually opening tomorrow with skiing from the summit on Timberline and Tote Road Extension, with Tote Road to the base. Tons of vertical and two separate lift served areas. Nice to see them take advantage of Timberlines high elevation, roughly similar to Killington/Rime area.
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