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Everything posted by Sugarloaf1989

  1. Temperature stuck here at 37F, my deck still has a bit of snow on it.
  2. 37F here and the rain is over for now. Still have a few patches of snow.
  3. Light rain here and 34F. My deck and parts of my yard still have some snowcover.
  4. I'm not worried, snow and cold weather will show up in April.
  5. My brother invited me up to ski with him in January of 1994. The things I remember about that cold outbreak was single digit cold at home, a frozen Long Island Sound and painful cold skiing at Smugglers Notch. This was when I lived in Queens., New York.
  6. I was up there skiing for my son's birthday. I have to say he was a real trooper and didn't complain about the cold, maybe 50 people were out on the mountain that day. Timberline trail near the summit at -30F. Taking this picture with a camera was not fun.
  7. Car thermometer in January of 2009 in Stratton, Maine. I was skiing with my son at Sugarloaf. -30F at the summit. Skiing with any kind of speed was painful. The coldest skiing I've ever done is also at Sugarloaf. December of 1989 was -37F at the base.
  8. 2.5" overnight and the total for the season so far.
  9. 2.5" here and more than I thought would be the total. Snowed here until 1:30am. Odd here the town isn't doing anything for the roads. Started out as graupel for about 1 hour.
  10. I think it's up to 2" here also. Still snowing lightly. Looks very pretty outside, to bad it's not two weeks further along. I'm off to bed.
  11. 1.5" here, about what was forecast by the NWS. Light snow and 30F. Snow looks to end here by midnight.
  12. Probably less than 1" here. Some snow accumulation was lost to it starting as graupel for about 1 hour.
  13. Steady light snow mixed with graupel and 30F. Working towards a coating. Can't see more than 1" out of this.
  14. Different situation in B.C Washington and Oregon. Currently no ski resorts are opened in Washington or Oregon. At least non I am aware of. Snow levels are way too high and it's too warm to make snow.
  15. Mostly light snow here with a bit of graupel mixed in. 31F.
  16. Snow/graupel mix here with a solid dusting. 31F. I'll check my driveway later to see about accumulations on pavement. Probably with the temperature below freezing.
  17. That's what I thought, but it's fairly loud hitting the ground.
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