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Everything posted by Sugarloaf1989

  1. The Swedes sent arms and Ikea furniture yesterday. They are super neutral.
  2. That 4,300 doesn't necessarily mean KIA but also wounded and Soldiers taken prisoner.
  3. I've heard that Ukraine has captured some Russian soldiers. When questioned, some thought they were on a training exercise. Some didn't even know they were in Ukraine. So Russian leadership isn't even being truthful with invading forces.
  4. Ukraine Army, thank you America, a huge Russian convoy that we now know it's exact location. What military genius thought moving this during the day was a good idea?
  5. I've heard that Scott actually turns off there ATC if unauthorized aircraft approach.
  6. LOL at Sweden getting involved, there not even a NATO member.
  7. I think both places don't want tourists. Pretty sure that's the case for Scott.
  8. So it's 135,000 rations, 5,000 helmets. 5,000 pieces of body armor and 5,000 single use anti tank weapons from Sweden.
  9. SWEDEN is delivering arms to Ukraine. Holy crap. Who's next, Switzerland I've heard Sweden is going to air drop Ikea furniture over Moscow without assembly instructions. It's Swedens awe and confuse military strategy.
  10. I have a ton of wire fencing that's about 12" tall in the garden. It's going to the mortgage company when they foreclose.
  11. I heard on Euro news that the opening for the Russian market on Monday could be very bad for the Ruble.
  12. I dislocated my shoulder falling when skiing at Mount Snow in April of 2017. I couldn't keep my arm in a sling for very long, because I need to walk holding on to things because of my disability. The arm still hurts in some positions If I pick up anything heavy. Before it was relocated I was in extreme pain.
  13. Karkiv has been taken back from the Russians. That must be making mini Stalin very happy.
  14. The EU just banned any aircraft with Russian registration from entering their airspace. The world depends heavily on open airspace over Russia, this might be very expensive to fly around if they institute a ban. Russia also makes alot of money charging for overflight permission.
  15. I don't know how the third world War will be fought, but the fourth will be fought with sticks and stones. I'm looking for a ground zero if it comes down to it, no desire to survive it.
  16. It feels like the old joke that Hitler just wants peace. A peace of various countries to appease him. Could be similar with Putin.
  17. At this point I hope the meeting between the Ukrainian delegates and Russian ones results in a positive outcome. Let him take Ukraine and make it painful obvious that NATO territory is not fair game.
  18. Purin just put his nuclear deterent forces on high alert.
  19. Buying oil because I'm at 1/4 and don't know how to purge the system if I run out. Heat downstairs is at 60F, don't think I can go lower.
  20. I'd rather it be warmer and not risk hypothermia going downstairs
  21. Lots of readings of 10-15F around me, so pretty cold overnight. Normal low temperature is 24F.
  22. 8F here currently with full snowcover. Sure feels like Spring is near
  23. SK Putin is ex KGB and was stationed for a time in Dresden, DDR in the 1980s. So he's old school in wanting a buffer zone. In those days the eastern block still existed.
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