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Everything posted by Sugarloaf1989

  1. Blizzard of 1888 anniversary. March 11th - 14th. 2-4 " of snow will set the mood.
  2. Measured on grass - deck struggled to accumulate.
  3. Snow coveted roads now close to sunset. Probably 2-3" on non pavement.
  4. Snow starting to accumulate on pavement here in the valley.
  5. Moderate snow with about 1/2" on the evergreens and a coating elsewhere. Pavement is wet. 31F.
  6. Meh, small flakes and poor snowfall rates. Just a dusting so far.
  7. 39/19 here, so cold and dry but snowing during the day might be a problem with it sticking to pavement.
  8. I just bought 100 gallons at 3.79. That's my last oil purchase and with the mortgage company foreclosing, I'm letting it run dry next month or in May. Nobody lives downstairs and I have baseboard heating upstairs.
  9. My downstairs temperature at 60F disagrees with this statement. Just spent another $400 on hearing oil.
  10. Did Sweden get the anti-tank weapons from IKEA?
  11. Turkey blocked Russian access to the Black Sea. That's a big step for them.
  12. There's a nuclear power plant controlled by the Russians. I've heard it if he gets desperate, Putin may order a attack on it.
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