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Everything posted by Sugarloaf1989

  1. I heard you guys talking about me. Just came back from Southern Vermont. Pretty drab foliage conditions almost everywhere. I think the drought, hot and humid Summer affected the foliage color. Mount Snow, definitely worse than last year:
  2. Nice Summer day on Mount Washington. Auto road closed above treeline. 1.3" of snow in the last 24 hours.
  3. My second favorite time of the year is coming up. I love 4/1 - 6/15. Everything turns green again and I love Spring flowers and shrubs.
  4. The only thing turning green here in Enfield is some grass. Supposed to be 18F here Tuesday morning. The overnight average temperature climbs above freezing here on 3/30. So getting close.
  5. 73F outside and 62F inside downstairs. Hoping the house warms up a bit.
  6. I hope it passes. I'm guessing it became law here around the same time as in Germany. 1917. Back then electric lighting was way more limited than now.
  7. Window frame in the way because of wind and heavy snow. Got a wet shirt taking the picture. Completely snow-covered here.
  8. 32F here with heavy snow. About 1/2" on everything including pavement.
  9. 36F here now, WU showing snowfall higher up by DIT.
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