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Everything posted by AmericanWxFreak

  1. EPS mean jackpots BOS while the OP whiffs on them. At that latitude, the OP is further E then basically every ens member
  2. Yeah looking pretty bow'y, any reports from that guy?
  3. https://twitter.com/TychoGirl/status/1293671097225945088?s=09
  4. Not that we need it as badly anymore, but sucks to see the rain miss south yesterday and north today lol
  5. Nothing worse then being close enough to be cooled down and destabilized but get nothing more then a few distant rumbles lol
  6. Nice looking storms rolling in!
  7. Gotcha, and that makes sense, I have noticed the over modeling of liquid this season also - well see how it plays out tho!
  8. Thanks, and damn just saw some of these progs for next week - so we have the GFS and Euro showing stupid amounts of rain, huh?
  9. After this line pushes east, no more rain for the day? Wanna put the skis in the water for tomorrow
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