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Everything posted by nycwinter

  1. what a miserable day it is outside this morning.. my umbrella broke i got soaking wet.. i think i may be catching a cold.. i love this weather!!!
  2. lovely morning... time to use the winter coat to go outside been a while...
  3. do you ever post anything else except the next 8 days temps and the monthly temps seriously?
  4. that is it.. the game will not resume with all the rain heading our way...
  5. me either there are huge puddles in the corners of the of...
  6. i disagree if you had temps in the mid 70's with rain it would be so humid...
  7. my building has had heat for days i wish the landlord would turn it off feels like summer 24 hours a day lol...
  8. it was chilly in manhattan this morning i saw people wearing winter coats...
  9. um no nobody wants mid 90's heat so early in the year...
  10. hope it changed start of october...when summer is over....
  11. Warmth. Around 130,000-110,000 years ago (the Eemian interglacial), the Earth's climates were generally much like those of today, though somewhat warmer and moister in many regions. The climate record derived from long ice cores taken through the Greenland ice cap suggested that the warm climate of the Eemian might have been punctuated by many sudden and fairly short-lived cold phases, but these results are now thought of as inaccurate because the lower layers of the ice sheet have become buckled and jumbled up. However, at least one major cold and dry event during the Eemian seems to be corroborated by the terrestrial pollen record from Europe and China
  12. these local weatherman in the city are clueless especially on the radio saying during the height of the storms roads will be wet and slushy..the last storm where we got just over 3 inches in the city with warmer temps here in upper manhattan when it came down hard the sidewalks and the streets were snow covered..and that was after a inch of heavy precip only...
  13. that was 10 hours ago when model trends were not in the city favor.. a lot has changed since then
  14. we need a vei 7 eruption to really cool down global temps..
  15. every weather person busted for nyc on that storm...
  16. very odd for dt he usually likes to give nyc the shaft...:P
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