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Everything posted by nycwinter

  1. stick to the weather politics theories mass destruction should not be on this page...
  2. we have a politics page keep your political ramblings to that page ...
  3. march is not january.. january snow lasts a lot longer on the ground.. and can happen in the daytime and acumulate unlike march...
  4. funny how many talk about sea ice extent loss only in the summer and early fall, but not the sea ice gains in winter.. hmm...
  5. this snow shower whitening the sidewalks unlike the snowsqualls earlier all due to temps below freezing now..
  6. biggest snowfall for nyc in the month of december lol...
  7. this is not even cold weather .growing up as a kid cold weather in december in nyc felt like the weather in siberia then the so called cold weather in december we are having the last few years..
  8. the people sweating are the nws at upton if nyc gets 6 inches they will have egg on their face again..
  9. they already salted the streets before yesterdays storm. guess the rain washed that away
  10. https://forecast.weather.gov/product.php?site=NWS&issuedby=OKX&product=AFD&format=CI&version=1&glossary=1&highlight=on latest discussion by upton...
  11. it will accumulate in daytime due to low sun angle
  12. salt damages your sneakers your floors and underground electrical when it sees down into the sewers..
  13. temps should rise rise a few degrees before the sun sets in 30 minutes...
  14. i am glad daylight saving ends tonight ..now model runs will come out a hour earlier...
  15. the normal high for the last day of october in nyc is 59 degrees enough with the cold air nonsense..
  16. some weather people are saying last night nam was south so you can't give the nam any credit..
  17. heat was turned on all last night whew need to have a fan on when i sleep...
  18. watch out for fallen tree branches when we had that big nor'easter recently a big tree branch fell not to far from me
  19. euro has crushed the gfs the last few months.. never go against the euro...
  20. i don't like the sun it's to bright i got used to the cloudy gloomy skies...
  21. more rain this morning into early afternoon then was predicted for nyc for the entire storm lol.
  22. i thought crappy chilly weather was the type of weather you liked?
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