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Everything posted by nycwinter

  1. days are already getting longer...sun angle is increasing...
  2. i do not recall a time where the coldest temps we got in the city was brought in by wsw winds..
  3. it is stupid to have a championship determined by penalty kicks in soccer hockey in the playoffs has sudden death nba games are not determined by each team taking free throws..at the end of regulation to see who wins a nba title.. they have to get rid of the penalty kick sudden death in the championship game play till they drop. if they have to remove 2 players from each team.. to open up the field..
  4. less snow then expected in certain areas and less rain then what was predicted when this storm ends bust!!
  5. when i was a kid bitter cold in the daytime meant temps in the teens.. or on rare occasions single digits
  6. in 20 years no more winter just a extended fall
  7. a nice long stretch of ski hats winter coats hoodies and gloves coming up..
  8. i have been enjoying wearing a winter coat after a brief warmup will enjoy continuing to wear on for the foreseeable future..
  9. good for the reservoirs in upstate ny...
  10. enjoying these chilly morning in the city feels like winter
  11. for manhattan this was very cold mid 40;s stiff breeze and dew point near freezing
  12. fist time i wore my winter coast since last spring felt good...
  13. they started hearings on this yesterday in the house so it looks like it is a done deal and will pass get use to going out in the dark in december 2023
  14. No more moving clocks in the U.S. The measure passed by unanimous consent in the Senate…. This is the closest Congress has ever been to actually making this happen.”Mar 17, 2022 the house has yet to even discuss the bill but i am sure in the lame duck session after the elections it will pass..
  15. next year we will have 8:17 sunrise in late december awful..
  16. chilly mornings and low humidity makes it feel cooler plus it is the season of october.. people wear jackets
  17. last month some voices were saying we will have mid 80's into october looks laughable now...those predictions...
  18. wonderful news with sun angle diminishing by the time the pattern changes it will not make much of a difference..
  19. thunder and lightning in manhattan very unusual in these cool temps
  20. a late november day in the city coat gloves etc ..
  21. when i see you post i know it is bad news for fans of weather... aka rain or snow ...
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