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Everything posted by nycwinter

  1. such a beautiful day i will remember days like this when it starts to get warm. what a day chilly temps gusty wind i wore my winter coat with a hoodie face mask winter hat and gloves..
  2. superstorm of 93 a storm you may never see again in our lifetime everything came together..
  3. we had great winters for 20 years now we are on the downside oh well at least tropical season will have action to follow..
  4. i am going to enjoy sunday and monday i will wear a hoodie under my thick winter coat wear hat gloves and facemask.
  5. it is weird how snowman19 disappears when there is a threat of snow it is like he is upset at that prospect...
  6. if we do no have any big snows on the horizon i rather it just be cold and dry good walking weather..
  7. at least fantasy storms showing up on models...
  8. most boring winter ever you cant even get fantasy storms on the models..
  9. you should change your name back to tony you were more happier back then..
  10. if this happens itwill be great news for the ny reservoir system...
  11. a cold winter but a boring winter the worst thing about this winter so far is all the salt on the sidewalks and street that i have to wipe off my shoes when i get home.. we need rain to wash it all away..if we are not getting any big snowstorms this winter i then would prefer warmer and rainy weather instead..
  12. i try and avoid walking on sidewalks with rock salt it is bad for your shoes and your floors.. i can understand why people use it if it is going to snow.. but to put it out when there is no precip just because temps are below freezing is nonsense..
  13. lovely day for this time of year did not even have to wear a face mask for the cold..
  14. i remember as a kid back in the 1970's how real winter cold felt..
  15. what a lousy winter it has been so far... whats even more lousy is the negative comments i been reading in the weather threads if this is what winters will be like from now due to climate change on why even bother.
  16. i cant imagine anyone wanting to have minus 20 degrees or lower a few times a year.
  17. i do not care for a few inches of snow it's either a big snowstorm or i prefer cold and dry weather.
  18. and central park had it's biggest snowstorm since records were kept since 1869 during that super el nino oh the irony..
  19. even a blind squirrel can find a nut once in a while..
  20. even the most professional mets are wrong at times to say has he ever been wrong before is very incredulous...
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