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Posts posted by madwx

  1. Just now, King James said:

    WI posters really got boned with this one

    Eh we've been pretty lucky overall this winter with a few overperformers and deep snowcover for about the past month.  Also my mind is switching to spring mode so by the end of this month I'm rooting for warmer weather and thunderstorms vs cold and snow.

    • Like 4
  2. 5 minutes ago, Chicago Storm said:

    lol WPC disco...

    19z update: The UKMET remains too far south and the CMC elongated more positively in the orientation of the trof Wednesday to delay it even further with very little/no interaction out of the Arctic stream to continue rejecting the UKMET/CMC from any preference at this time. The 12z GFS remains steadfast to continue to heavily favor it in the blend. The 12z ECMWF continues to be generally weaker with the inner core of the developing upper low/hub coming out of the MO Valley, keeping it south and east compared to the GFS/NAM and even compared to the GEFS/ECMWF. Interestingly, the Arctic shortwave continues to trend sharper/further south in all guidance. So will not break from initial preference, of the 12z GEFS/GFS/NAM/ECMWF and 00z ECENS through 26.00z and remove 12z GFS afterward weighting heavy to GEFS.

    This is probably the reason all the offices are going with such high totals and watches

  3. 22 minutes ago, hawkeye_wx said:

    That's exactly what I thought.  At first glance, it looks like your typical "southern Iowa is mild, northern Iowa is cold behind the front(or still stuck with deep snow)" map, but then you realize the "cold" is 60º.  

    Yeah late February 2017 was very impressive in terms of widespread warmth.  Like a mini March 2012

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  4. 4 minutes ago, A-L-E-K said:

    Given the performance of the op gfs and the eps strength, feel p good about tossing the gfs imby. Would be a bad time for it to be right for once.

    Yeah the upper level evolution of the Euro and some of its ensembles that I’ve looked at seem to make more physical sense than what the gfs is showing 

  5. This is a complicated pattern and there are numerous ways this can evolve.  Depending on how strong the first and second waves are and the timing between the two.   6z GFS is probably the upper limit here with the second wave coming in further north and deepening the original low substantially.  I also wouldn’t mind a better hit further south since we’ve gotten our fair share of snow here and the weenies down south could use a nice storm 

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