With another typhoon recurving expect another cold dump during the second and third week of September. Wouldn’t be surprised at some early frosts in northern areas
Was up in the boundary waters from Wednesday through Sunday. Got storms both Thursday and Friday night. Was a fun exercise trying to predict the weather without any technology. Could feel the LLJ ramping up each evening which was a good tell that storms were inbound. Nothing severe but some heavy rain and a couple hefty wind gusts. The cold front Saturday morning really brought in some cool temps
That's the tough thing about this. There is no telltale symptom that everyone has so for a good portion of people, without getting testing you have no idea if you have/had it.
also seems like that would funnel all students together. You'd think if they wanted some distancing they would let kids enter and exit in different areas
Florida with an expected dip in positive cases due to testing closures for the hurricane. Deaths still staying high. Interesting impact on total statistics since many of the people with minor symptoms who can't get tested won't even test positive by the time the sites open back up
Michigan was hit harder earlier on when there was much less testing, so tons of cases were missed. Probably close to 1 million people in Michigan have had it already.
80% of middle aged people had lasting cardiovascular damage, their average BMI was 25. We don't know if this damage will go away with time and viruses usually do cause some short term cardiovascular damage but the damage from Covid is lasting longer than other diseases.
60% of middle aged people had cardiac inflammation after getting COVID. 20% with pericardial effusion. Average BMI 25.
Fun. Fun fun fun.