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Everything posted by madwx

  1. still lightly snowing here. Family member got 9.5" in the NW part of Dane County. They were under the heavy fronto band for about 3 hours last night.
  2. got about 6" here, with some drifts of well over a foot. Roads look to be a mess
  3. Des Moines up to 12.6" storm total O'Hare at 3.1" Quad Cities at 6.1"
  4. Estimating 4” or so outside right now. The heaviest band has set up just north of town
  5. Snow starting here as a wall of 25 dBz reflectivities hit us. Moderate sized flakes right now
  6. Dry air holding out here for now but slowly slowly losing the battle. Ceilings down to 1700 feet
  7. Probably won't fully saturate here until 7 or so. Should be some good rates between 2-6 AM
  8. if we get over 4" here the v16 GFS is the real winner. Was hammering the N trend for a while
  9. Even the GFS has us getting 6+” in 24 hours. Have to imagine we’ll get at least an advisory with the overnight package
  10. Can’t wait to luck ourselves into a warning criteria storm
  11. Man that was the ultimate nut storm around here. Got about 18” at my house iirc
  12. I for one am proud of starting a thread for a storm that’s gonna drop 2” max
  13. It hasn’t been a completely classic La Niña winter but this is a classic hallmark as you head further East
  14. lots of panicking here right now. take a deep breath everyone. Still a warning criteria snow for W of I39 and the lakeshore counties.
  15. The v16 GFS (para) is performing much better overall than the current operational GFS so far this winter
  16. Snow started around 9 here. A dusting on the ground already
  17. GFS continues to show a minor hit for the southern half of Indiana and Ohio
  18. Could see us flirting with 6” here(2” from tonight’s wave and 4” from the main low) if the N drift continues
  19. Got down to 0 here. Just like last year, waiting a long time to get that first below zero temp
  20. 24 hour storm total on NAM ending Tuesday morning at 6. Snow still going from about Chicago eastward
  21. heads up that about 2" of that on the NAM from Dekalb to the west and north is from the wave overnight
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