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Everything posted by madwx

  1. La Crosse had their warmest June on record
  2. 2012 was 11th warmest. Only a degree cooler than this month
  3. also going to be the 4th warmest June here at MSN. Only 1933, 1934 and 1873 were warmer.
  4. Fun fact, the Dalles airport(where the temp is measured) is actually across the river in Washington so any temps there would actually be Washington records. 118 would tie the all time Washington state max.
  5. I know that is claim is being passed around on the internet but the link i posted above has a clip from said podcast and there is at least one more clip from that episode up on youtube. Also it looks like the podcast that hosts it never posts full episodes on youtube, just clips, so I think that's a fake story that is being drummed up to foster the "muh views are being silenced" theory.
  6. That website and bio reads of someone who had a falling out with fellow researchers and now has an axe to grind. He may have been involved in the development of mRNA technology but to claim him as the creator of it seems disingenuous. People have been researching mRNA since the mid 70s. https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-vaccine-cytotoxic/fact-check-covid-19-vaccines-are-not-cytotoxic-idUSL2N2O01XP Here is him also in a podcast episode claiming that the vaccines are cytotoxic(which they aren't).
  7. the first like is from some conservative pseudo news site the second link is from Robert F Kennedy Jrs crazy anti vax website. That's all you need to know. Also it's been disputed if Robert Malone actually invented mRNA technology. The only references I've seen to that have been on pseudo news sites and then it looks like Tucker Carlson picked it up.
  8. Euro has slightly lower max totals but is definitely more spread the wealth in terms of areas getting more than 4"
  9. Fort McCoy hit 35 this morning. Black River Falls 39.
  10. another 90+ here. 4th of the year to go along with 2 89s.
  11. Just wait till it has Gulf of Mexico temps in August
  12. Can see the anvils and Cb from the storms along the west coast of Michigan. Pretty impressive.
  13. I'm banking on 45 straight days of severe weather from May 15-June 30. That would make up for this year
  14. touched 90 today here. no rain in sight
  15. at least tied the record of 92 in Madison today, set back in one of the big heat years, 1934
  16. Dayton overperformed to at least 87 today for those keeping score at home
  17. jeez, 98 in INL today. Broke their record by at least 6 degrees 93 in MKE, a new daily record
  18. MKE hit 90. MSN with a max of 87 so far
  19. that's it, Hoosier has to officially pass his Mod position to NorthIllinois
  20. already up to 82 at noon, could try to snag an upper 80s today before the real heat starts tomorrow
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