Frontal passage really moving up in time here. Looks to be Thursday afternoon now. Still may get a high end advisory snow on Thursday with some wicked blowing snow and frigid temps Thursday night and Friday.
The coldest 3 month stretch of the year averages around December 1 to Feb 28. This shows that for all but a few areas in N lower and E Upper Michigan the coldest 1/4 of the year starts by December 10
probably got an inch on the grass. nothing but slush on roads. seems like it'll be a pretty even matchup between snow rates and melting through the rest of the daylight hours today
for these low rate, long duration events it's a good reminder to use the snow depth output on the models instead of snow accumulation. That will be much more representative of what you'll actually see on the ground
Point forecast has us down to 8 on Saturday night. Anybody want to take a bet that we'll have a colder lowest temp in the month of November than in December?