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Everything posted by MDphotog

  1. Yeah it even got the hole in the middle a frame or two later. Too close!
  2. Yeah I see that on the radar now. Worried about my friend down there.
  3. So far nothing really crazy up here. Moderate rain, and not much wind.
  4. Yeah some of the breezes with these storms are chilly.
  5. Nice little storm rolling up the valley for Frederick and North. Lots of good boomers and some pretty good rain.
  6. To me, I think it has to do with amount of buildup or anticipation of winter storms and the nature of winter storms themselves. For severe storms, I think most of us going in know that on any given chance, some get them, most will not. It is what it is. Plus severe chance isn't something you spend nearly as much time tracking and analyzing (or at least pretend to know how to). Just check on it, "cool there is chance" and move on. It is much less of a time/emotional commitment for most I think.
  7. I was worried about that when I looked this morning and saw how much traffic was heading in. I said nope, I'll work from home today.
  8. It was a cargo 747 that crashed taking off in Afghanistan some years ago. I believe the cause was the cargo broke loose and shifted the weight to the rear of the plane, so plane was impossible to level. Sadly crew was killed.
  9. About 10 mins north of Frederick here, just by eyeballing it looks like about 4 - 5 inches fell overnight. So yeah warning criteria was met, and NAM was pretty close, just a hair under maybe.
  10. I wonder how big of an impact, in regards to accuracy, the issue of the lack of data from commercial aircraft (especially over the oceans) is causing. There still isn't anywhere near the same number flying daily as pre-covid.
  11. Heaviest rates of the storm coming down right now, a little north of Frederick.
  12. If anyone is brave enough to venture out for pictures, the areas around Clarksburg/Hyattstown looked amazing on my way down on 270. Trees encased in ice and a good amount of snow on the ground. Sadly had to come into work so couldn’t stop for pics.
  13. Is that why we didn’t see the usual pivot and spin on radar typical for winter storms? Or is that more of a different kind of storm?
  14. I can believe it, check out google maps traffic, that is a lot of interstate closures in that area.
  15. Looking at Google maps for 270, it looks like it has already started. Yikes.
  16. Still hanging onto snow here North of Frederick, they are getting big though, so change could be soon.
  17. If that purple is supposed to be sleet, I can tell you it is not accurate up North of Frederick, all snow here.
  18. Yeah, I moved a little north of Frederick last year and was surprised that I had less elevation than Columbia haha. Well still better spot than Glen Burnie was.
  19. There are a few readings on there that seem to be very odd. Can’t believe Hagerstown and Cumberland are warmer than Frederick.
  20. Windy and rain here, nothing to crazy here north of Frederick.
  21. 1500 HRS Obs: Rain, lots of rain. That is all.
  22. Coming up 270 can see a good number of towers, but not sure if anything will develop before sundown.
  23. Wow, that is a lot of outflow boundaries criss crossing. Might fire up even more storms shortly.
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