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Everything posted by MDphotog

  1. Been under on and off heavy rain for a good two hours now. Not too much thunder and lightning, just lots of heavy rain bursts.
  2. Small squall popped up over Hagerstown, single thunder so far.
  3. Yeah, that.....was....not a good thing to do. He was making it worse in the comments too by changing his story and claiming he was a professional. (This is what I was referring too up higher.)
  4. And now the line is blowing up over Frederick County where that is the last thing they need.
  5. Check out the Frederick Scanner on Facebook, they have a running thread with flooding photos, yikes it looks bad.
  6. An old neighbor in Walkersville posted a vid of our old street flooded out so I'm not surprised. Looks like more rain is on the way too. Boooo
  7. Sigh....I'm quickly reminded this afternoon that 1. I hate twitter and 2. If you make an big ooopsie in the moment of excitement, it's probably better to just apologize to move forward rather than keep lying about it and keep getting called out.
  8. I’m actually surprised how much it’s still raining. Not heavy by any stretch, but sure seems more than is on radar.
  9. Oh, that would be why my winds have picked up. Can confirm the accuracy of this map at present time.
  10. Okay, rain has slowed down, but now winds are starting to pick up pretty good.
  11. Wow, the heavy stuff just doesn't let up for you all. Looks like another batch of red returns coming up next. Stay safe.
  12. Yeah Frederick County is really getting some heavy stuff in the last hour or two.
  13. Awww yeah free lumber! I think last heavy band moving through now for us up here, looks like lighter rain still will continue for a while longer.
  14. Really started downpouring again. Curious what the rivers around here look like, but for some reason the flood gauge updates all stopped at 11:45AM on NWS site.
  15. Yeah, it looked like we were going to hit a lull but it has really blown up now right almost at the MD/WV border. Not sure if that will continue to back build or not.
  16. Up here we got rain. Just your garden variety medium rain that is nice to listen to and tries to convince you to stay in bed all day. Pretty cool temps as well.
  17. I hope so, I can’t remember if that is one of the alerts you can turn off like the amber alert one.
  18. Wow, this cell could not hit at a worse time for the DC/Balt area. Very few will be paying attention or even be awake.
  19. Well that is a little bit better for them. Thanks.
  20. Maybe outside of your area of expertise, but is tonight’s action part of those numbers people were posting from the models today? I say this because up in PA from Breezewood to Chambersburg has been getting slammed already with several hours of storms. If it’s going to add another 5 inch plus tomorrow, ouch.
  21. 21ft? Holy &@$#! There is a lot of area around the river that I don’t think has that much height to give.
  22. Yeah, I know a lot of people are bummed, but out here in Frederick/Washington county we have been having heavy rain almost everyday for at least a week. This could get really ugly out here for flooding.
  23. You know what....suddenly I feel much better about us buying the house with 400ft of elevation versus the one that had a nice big stream running through the backyard last month.
  24. Decent thunderstorm here. A few boomers mixed in with rain.
  25. A little something seems to be pushing South East from PA right now, lets see if it holds together.
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