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Everything posted by frostfern

  1. Thanks to the constant death ridge over the SW parts NA, there’s a subtropical jet that normally isn’t there this time of year. I have seen that jet appear in summer from time to time other years, but never this consistent. Between this and the neverending blocking from May through the first half of June, I don’t know how people can say its normal climatology. These patterns just didn’t used to lock in for such long periods.
  2. Hope a nice solid squall line comes of this. Like halfway between GFS and ECMWF would be nice. It would be nice to know if the pattern that follows will be good too.
  3. Yea. Individual major events are impossible to predict from teleconnections alone. Especially severe weather events. The El Nino phase does statistically favor Dixie Ally for severe though, and a strong one usually means a mild and dry winter for the upper Midwest. 2015 had GHDII though so its impossible to know for sure. I didn’t even remember that was a Nino winter as I wasn’t living in Michigan that year.
  4. I think neutral ENSO is best for most of this sub actually. Strong La Nina is really only good for MSP peeps. These days it means a lot of rainers even into Wisconsin. Some weak El Nino winters have been snowy as well, just back-ended. Strong El Nino is usually bad for everyone but severe lovers in the deep south though.
  5. El Nino pretty much guarantees a boring winter though. At least the early half, though who knows these days where tornado outbreaks sometimes happen mid-winter.
  6. There’s not much in the way of exciting weather to look forward to until this El Nino finally flips to Nina.
  7. Welp. Smoke haze was already visible aloft this morning. At least there wad one day of vibrant blue sky with neither wet aerosol haze nor smoke.
  8. Severe storms are often uncoopertive for lightning photography, during the day at least. There often are a lot of CGs per detection network, but usually not out in front where they can be easily photographed. The best views are usually from the rear as the storm moves away.
  9. Yea. Here too. They were like 10 minutes apart, but very loud and deep. Storms lately have all had unusually heavy stratiform rainfall. Its nice to finally see deep blue sky again today. Hope it lasts. I can’t believe how hazy and smokey its been lately.
  10. You have been putting the tag on every post I make obsessively since May. Nobody else has been doing this. Not every single post, regardless of actual relevence. And you do not single other people out this way. It's obsessive and spiteful you've been doing it for two months now. I really don't give a damn what you think my expectations are. I'm just disappointed after the entire month of May and majority of June being stuck under constant blocking and choking smoke. That wasn't normal "climo" at all. Missing a lot of really good action by very small margins a lot of the time this past month isn't really a "climo" problem either, just bad luck. You have never "explained" anything to me I don't already know. I've lived hear almost 40 years. I became "unhinged" because of other things in my life that have nothing to do with the weather or you. Weather is an escape for me. You being an unholy nuisance just tipped me over the edge. If you actually want to "help" me simply stop talking to me and tagging my posts. I block you and you block me and we're done with it. If you continue to harass me I'll bring it up with moderators and if they have no solution I'm just going to leave. You can then have your delightful power trip of trolling a long time member off the board and jerk yourself off all day. I'm offering an apology to Stebo as he didn't deserve my outburst. We have our differences but we normally get along okay. I'm having a hard time wanting to apologize to you though. Sorry, I just don't like you. I'm going back and cleaning up the old posts I made on 2 hours of sleep if the mods haven't already.
  11. Derp. Didn’t happen. 80 dews broke the cap and cut off the supply way south of the dynamics.
  12. I'd gladly take this "junkvection" as it's full of lighting. Sucks to always be so close but miss out.
  13. You can easily recover from junkvection overhead at 6:00am. Non-overturned airmass advects in from the SW by evening. Being downstream of junkvection is worse.
  14. It will be I-94 and south again unless the MCV that develops can draw the juice back north.
  15. I don’t know if the RAP forecast of 3000 MLCAPE GRR office mentioned has the current hulking cold pool over WI and ongoing convection over Illinois. Its great if it completely collapses and suppresses convection during the heating hours, but it’s always hard to recover here without strong southwesterly flow. Are they really still thinking its going to hit 92 at GRR?
  16. More like "everyone" needs to stop trolling by being intentionally dense. I was never wishing for downed trees. It was an underperformer in terms of photogenic skies and lighting for my back yard. That's it. I didn't downplay anything for anyone else.
  17. I don’t see the point of this argument. I don’t care about your definition of “miss” vs “no miss” in terms of rain and distant thunder since that isn’t my criteria but yours. It wasn’t electrically cooperative near me. I also only got 0.5” for the day. I live northwest of the airport, as most of the city is northwest of the airport.
  18. It was a poor show. Low clouds blocked the view of any anvil crawlers and CGs were distant. I was waiting to make video but nothing was worthy. Disbelieve me all you want, but purposely twisting my words in order to pull a “gotcha” isn’t clever trolling.
  19. Missed by lightning. Yes it rained. Ugh.
  20. I’m not upset about missing wind. My favorite storms are those where its perfectly still with big bolts cracking close by before the rain hits. Elevated nocturnal storms are my favorite.
  21. The closest strong storms were 10 miles north and like 30 miles south with the stuff that came around noon. The gap started to fill in with small showers overhead, but they weren’t producing much lightning, just hard rain. The late afternoon training cells were south of me by at least 5 miles. I heard distant booms but couldn’t see anything as it just wasn’t very close. I got a few hard showers early on but the show was mostly from the airport south and east. Airport is 5 miles southeast of me.
  22. Umm. I don’t live at the airport. There were some very disorganized clusters with occasional CG lightning about 3-4 miles south and east. Just downpours and soft rumbles from tiny cells right here. Similar to what has happened previously. Wanting CGs close enough to see is not the same as wanting an EF5. Ugh.
  23. Apparently the old MCV still has wind with it even with no deep convection remaining. I don’t even want severe, just one good storm with some lightning strikes within a mile radius. So it looks like one more chance Friday and then back to the perpetual suppressed south and east pattern of this summer.
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