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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. Snowing really nicely now with good growth. Below freezing all day and down to 25 now so no issues accumulating.
  2. Steady snow and like others I’m more than pleased. This smells like an over performer here.
  3. Light snow. Not sure how long but thing’s already coated. 26 degrees
  4. We’re heading up to VT 12/19. If we’re out of quarantine and free of covid maybe leave a few days early?
  5. You should be doing a lot better given that locale. One of these days we’re going to get a slow moving monster just inside the bm that can’t gain much more latitude giving your area 30-40 inches.
  6. Poor Ray-he missed out on the 0.6 inch total nearby…..
  7. For my area some of that is forecaasted in the next 36 hours but NH border looks decent+
  8. EPS is ugly for late week. Still plenty of time. Gotta sleep....
  9. We know that a couple(not you nor I) have stated it can't plow into the block. And they're right. But that doesn't mean the block can't slightly shift to send a system west of us or over us or otherwise not winter like for many or us. Anyway-it doesn't matter-point is from a learning perspective, this setup is a bit fraught. It may work out but whatever comes after this week should have higher odds.
  10. It's not that weird. We say it's weird every year. One problem with this block is that most of the major NHEM cold was on the wrong side of the pole. That appears to change favorably for us now going forward but not in time for this system. I wasn't aiming my comment to you. I was aiming it toward people insisting something can't happen when it can and reasonably often does. Why do you say I'm fabricating bs? WTF is wrong with you?
  11. Looking at the euro tonight vs 2 nights ago I see a big difference. The 2 big vorts are the atlantic vortex and the midwest one. Between the 2 a couple of nights ago squeezed a little block in eastern Canada enabling a blizzard to result. Today that happens too late. Plenty of time as wxniss and others note but there's no reason this solution is impossible and weenies should stop postulating bullshit.
  12. Yeah with average mid December air a sheared out junk system won’t do it. Heck it’s tough in the real heart of winter! But the guidance has gone back and forth on this so it isn’t settled by any means. H5 vort needs to go under us, not through southern Ontario.
  13. Jeff, let me see what I could do about a carve out for you….
  14. I’m pretty confident that someone within an hour of pickles is gonna get a good snow dump end of the week.
  15. I know but I'd have infected probably half of you.....
  16. Yeah sad to have missed it! Maybe a spring gtg to celebrate or commiserate whatever we get this winter?
  17. I thought gfs looked fine notwithstanding the details. Better holding HP and colder overall. Remember this is 6+ days away.
  18. Good turnout! Everyone looks great!
  19. That 1992-93 was a great winter-deep pack late January into April.
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