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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. The ‘61 storm solidified the special winter status. The big one 12/11-12/60 with a few more small events in between followed by the reload and 1/19/61 JFK inaugural storm. The intense cold for the next 2 weeks culminated by the biggest of all storms 2/3-4/61 gave us quite the pack! But the February storm was the pattern changer and our 2 month glorious run was over. About 5 days later we had an ice storm. I was sure it would snow-after all that morning was 7 degrees and it stayed around 20 all day. What did I know of mid levels! Tamarack can give his perspective being in the same area roughly the same age.
  2. Yeah I put 2/10 which is a week after the end of GEFS. Maybe we’ll buy another week which would be perfect for me as we head to FL for maybe 1-2 weeks or more.
  3. For that period yes but I didn’t like where it was trending at the end.
  4. Normally I’d agree but a a fast reversal fits the tenor of this winter.
  5. It’s amazing how the GEFS retrogrades everything at the end of the run more or less showing the demise of the good pattern not too far into February. Like I said yesterday-we have at most a 15 day window in sne to cash in. If we fail by 2/10 pack it in.
  6. Back to Brian’s hood......I thought of unions between libbies and magas producing a generation of magbies. Who wants to do the movie? Beautiful day to walk today. Snowblower still lonely and given the expectations for Friday it probably won’t be enough to use it. Winter rolls on. I thought the long range looked pretty good on the overnight runs. Give me my 2 weeks of winter dammit!
  7. I think this is a better call than BOX because it acknowledges latitude as the main variant.
  8. Your dad was a hero. General Patton was a piece of shit. Many died after the camps were liberated. In defiance of command from general Eisenhower, Patton kept the Nazi guards in place with their only restriction being they couldn’t kill them. His sudden death justifies a divine presence.
  9. This one seems locked. Route 2 north plowable snow. Pike region 1-2. C-2 south. We’re pulling systems off every 2-3 days now. re: Thread title: Yiddish is a jargon of something like 7 languages. Hebrew and German are prominent and Yiddish speakers read Hebrew letters despite being a totally different language. Ironically, one of the first Yiddish words I learned was when my grandmother looked out of the window and exclaimed SCHNEE!
  10. I didn’t say the pattern isn’t happening. I did say big packs building on each isn’t happening. I also feel this upcoming pattern will not last beyond mid February which gives us about a 15 day window much like late January to mid February 2000. Still plenty of fun to be had in that period. JD, I don’t post like the old days but I can usually read the pattern ok. After the first 10-15 days after pattern change were going to need help.
  11. I’d bet big bucks on this not happening.
  12. My take looking at the long range NHEM view is that we have about a 10-15 day window after 1/24-25 to get it done. If it fails somehow, it's over. I see February rapidly going to crap by mid month. You can see at the end of the ensembles the RNA starting to deepen and the Greenland blocking fading. Less so on EPS but GEFS have owned the Pacific this season. So we hopefully will have 2 weeks of fun. I think by mid February even NNE is struggling but hopefully not.
  13. It’s actually much worse. 2001-02 had dry warm days in abundance until mid spring when it got cold. This year we’ve had many useless dank days not warm enough to really enjoy.
  14. How did you get average in 02-03 when BOS was 75% above?
  15. Yeah my first shoveling also. Hopefully more soon and better yet enough to use the snowblower.
  16. It snowed intermittently all day with temps near freezing so obviously it’s otg.
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