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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. Yeah I don’t understand the want that many have. Basically many are housebound by it.
  2. Thanks Steve. She’s resilient and reluctant to ask for help. Finally she realized she couldn’t crack an egg over the pan for breakfast so o happily did it. Thing is-I like cooking and have the time this week.
  3. Thanks! Yes it’s a fracture and not compound so probably won’t require surgery which I guess is a win.
  4. Thanks Ray! Dominant hand so I’m doing the cooking and laundry etc for awhile…
  5. A rare ice fest and my wife fell and broke her wrist. This winter continues to have zero redeeming value.
  6. Looks to me like western trough continues. One can hope it lasts until October at this point. SSW (as Will implied) is becoming one of the frauds.
  7. Technically and verbatim euro ends BOS futility.
  8. 1936-37 had 9 inches even. We just missed it in 2011-12 with 9.3. Gonna be touch to have less than 1.4 from here on out which is what we'd need to tie or break futility. We're headed to FL 2/23 for a couple of weeks. I'm ending this winter that day.
  9. We should all line our cars up at Kevin’s house and watch the artist work....
  10. Looking at the ensembles prompted me to wake Roy up and have him start warming up the cords....
  11. Welcome to our mayhem! I remember hanging out in your local thread when we were in Chicago for a long spell during January 2021-a good chicago snow month. BOS was over 1F high for a long time until they fixed it. I think Scott (coastalWx) and Will (ORH_WxMan) can speak with more authority on it. It was infuriating given the climate significance of bad data for the biggest population center of New England and it didn’t seem to be prioritized as high as it should have been.
  12. I still check all the ensembles before bedtime but I typically go upstairs around 2:30-3 hence few posts from me before 11-noon most days
  13. In 2016, the place I worked had something like 60 pipes burst. It was an utter disaster for months.
  14. No issues here. House is circa 1947 so it’s not terribly old. And prior owners kept it in great shape although we did add to the insulation. We had a roaring fire from the fireplace for hours but it might as well have been in the 30s-everything worked fine.
  15. Yeah it may be a flag that it’s time to replace the furnace….before it fails at a very inopportune time.
  16. So I’m this day and age, how does a home’s pipes freeze without losing power? Or are those reports from homes that did lose it?
  17. You have no idea on impact. The biggest population center of New England (with a large homeless census) had under forecasted cold which resulted in a huge human and economic impact. 0 in EMA happens a lot. -10 once a generation. If you read the cold thread you’d see the impact. Snow rarely causes the misery cold does because it occurs ironically in moderately cold conditions. When that is an exception the impact is enormous (see Buffalo). Snow is almost always forecasted with enough time for the population to react. It’s almost never much of a problem 36 hours after it stops snowing.
  18. Understandable bias but the cold shot was far more impactful vs a 6-12 event for the population. Forecasters here were late in warning because the GFS shat all over itself. I’m a weather guy-I relish all extreme events.
  19. It alone nailed the most historic event this winter from d7. That’s worth something.
  20. No that was our last house. Conventional gas here and it worked fine. We have a heat zone in our 4 season porch (my cave) but the split there is only used for cooling (put in by previous owners) and only rarely as the rest of the house zones cool that area 95% of the time.
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