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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. It’s not me, it’s the new snowblower.
  2. Nevertheless it still would give many more snow on the front end than has occurred cumulatively all winter.
  3. Lol…she’s now getting adamant that we should leave a week later if at all shortening the trip. Looks like we may be here at least an extra week.
  4. Well between my wife’s broken arm and this threat my trip my be in jeopardy…..I can tell she’s looking for an excuse to not go. And I may now have one….but it’s still way off in the distance.
  5. The elephant in the room but this time everyone sees it.
  6. Perfect timing as we go to FL on the 23rd and return 3/9.
  7. When I was in LA and in private practice in the early 80s I had a patient who was one of those guys. I always had them schedule him at the end of the day-we’d finish my work and then go to the office to weenie out for an hour…lol
  8. I remember the red ball on ponds-is that just a NNJ thing? We used to go to Tokaloka Pond off of the Hackensack River in a part that was not yet badly polluted back in the late 50s. 'We'd play hockey all day on the pond. During those years there was always good late March snow often with open water so we'd play in the snow in the woods all day. Kids today don't seem to do that anymore-and they don't realize what they're missing.
  9. One week later the fun began. The image of the swirling snow seen through the gym windows in 3rd grade while playing the stupid game of Newcombe on 3/16 endures.
  10. I only remember you showing up in 2009. We never had one in CT. Why don’t you set one up at Rein’s Deli?
  11. You haven’t been to a Boston gtg for 14 years.
  12. Back in the day I wore the t-shirts given for finishing.
  13. I’m also against stickers but I have one for various work lots. But they’re on windows. In 55 years of voting I never once had a political sticker. Like somebody driving by gives a hoot…lol.
  14. You could be the only person with a truck in CT with a 26.2 sticker.
  15. It won’t be close. I’ll be surprised if you exceed an additional 10 inches.
  16. Guilty but I feel I was drawn in. I then lived as a kid for a few minutes….
  17. Even that will get ruined by some renegade 2-4 incher before mid April….
  18. An indication of this winter’s misery is the deep diving into the d13-14 op gfs.
  19. I deliberately left out the JFK inaugural storm because it was the 2nd big event that winter and it kind of got overshadowed by 2/3-4 but it was fun for sure and of course we got a snow day out of it. The 12/11-12/60 storm gave is 2 snow days and the February 61 storm happened on a Friday/Friday night so school as normal Monday. The March 58 was a legendary event but my recollection is the temperature was marginal and the plow easily managed it. Also, I think mby got closer to a foot vs your 2 feet. It was a paste bomb indeed! It seemed during those years we got solid snow near the equinox annually.
  20. Regarding February '78, my friend went to the Beanpot that night with some other guys-the blizzard was raging and they walked into a full Garden! I have no idea how he made it home to Belmont! His wife begged him not to go but a weenie is a weenie....
  21. From the reports-ranked 1. The ones I listed aren't necessarily rank ordered. the March 56 has outsized significance because I was a young boy and the snow was so deep it was up to my waist.
  22. My top storms...not necessarily in order of rank but chronological order from oldest to newest. 1. 3/19/56. Still one of my all timers made great by the fact that 1-2 inches were forecasted. It was a Sunday and 2 days earlier on Friday we got quick hitting 4-6 giving us sledding snow. A whole bunch of us 9-10 year old boomers were sledding and having so much fun that we didn't realize how hard it was snowing until everyone's mother came to get them. The next morning had drifts up beyond 10 feet in spots with the storm still raging. 2. 3/3/60 A sub par winter. In the final days of February a strong front cleared the coast producing rain during the day. The next couple of days were mid winter cold and I remember thinking-if only we can get a storm! On 3/3 snow began at 7AM and watching the white wisps blow across the street I sensed we were in for some fun. Of course school wasn't cancelled and we were let out at Noon at the height of the storm. 2. 12/11-12, 1960 A week after near 70 degree wx which made me quite downhearted, I awaken Sunday to a forecast of possible heavy snow. Giants/Washington game on in very heavy snow in DC. Meanwhile, light snow began around 3PM but only accumulated an inch by 9. Then things started ramping up and by 5am a foot had fallen in NYC (I was in NNJ) and it kept on going-ended up officially with 17 inches but it felt like a lot more where I was. 3. 2/3-4, 1961 After a couple of very cold weeks-I made a weather station for my 8th grade science project and it was easy to set gradations on my thermometer-it was near 0 the morning of the due date and I left it out all night. I set 70 degrees the previous afternoon after setting the indoor thermostat. The storm started on a Friday and by Friday night it was snowing so hard you could actually observe the accumulation rise. ACY ended up with 2 inches + of rain so this was 2 feet of heavy wet snow. The storm as the pattern changer-the cold pattern was over but we still had more snow but the winter had showed us its best already. 4. January 1966-can't remember the date but it was the blizzard of 66 and I was in college-Ithaca, NY. It snowed with LES a little bit every day until the big one dumped what seemed like feet. Those were some great years! 5. 2/9/69-the so called Lindsay Storm Forecasts were for 3-5 inches and a change to rain. I happened to be home for the weekend and shadowing this optometrist in his office for the day. I remember that Saturday as overcast with temperatures in the low 40s-not exactly what you're looking for leading up to a big snow. Late that night snow began with marginal temperatures and I went to bed. The next morning and throughout the day it was a raging blizzard-and totally unexpected. Modest snow to rain expected-18-24 resulted. That Sunday I realized my Dad was a weenie. He insisted we got out at the height of the storm to get something we didn't really need...lol. We both weenied out together-and I think both of us realized we missed my childhood doing it.... Heading back to college the next day and Ithaca got fringed-maybe 4 inches max. 6. 2/2/74 A foot of overrunning snow unexpected. A rare Saturday night you didn't have to wait in line at the old Hilltop Steak House. 7. 1/15/76 (unsure of exact date but it was January 76. A very cold period culminated in the biggest Boston dump in quite a while. I was living in Cambridgeport and decided to walk into Harvard Square at the height of the storm. I stood in the middle of Harvard Square-the only human in sight-and prayed for my work to be called the next day. I was working at a neighborhood health center and thankfully they closed. I started my move to California 11/15/76 and stayed for 15 years. I missed the 78 blizzard and everything leading up to it. I did return for a visit a month afterwards and experienced an 8 inch dump which Bostonians treated as snow flurries given the prior major events. All of my subsequent big events-winters we've talked of in the early through mid 90s and the stretches since 2000 have been covered by many others....
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