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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. There's your 100 hour storm redux. All the biggies are showing up in various forms these days.
  2. I'd love a mediocre winter. Unfortunately it's been several grades below so far imby.
  3. You are either in Woburn or Westwood. 128/93. I'm guessing Woburn/Stoneham.
  4. Had some friends from Medford over for dinner. They got 3-5 inches….about 7 miles north of me. Latitude ftw.
  5. I’m telling you…1956 had the initial quick hitting critter followed by the big boy loosely similar to the GFS. I remember the 4-6 on Friday and the feet Sunday afternoon through Monday in 56.
  6. Interesting gfs. If we’re using 1956 it actually matches better with the lead pulse quick hitting 4-6 followed closely by the big boy.
  7. If this can be pulled off as depicted-all will be forgiven winter of 2022-23.
  8. It looks like nearly a carbon copy of 3/18/56-one of the truly memorable storms of my lifetime. Look it up. Oh boy!
  9. Models with the exception of NAM minor this out before it gets here. An inch this time of year is 10 minutes of fun.
  10. Last Saturday for me was a cold dry day per memory
  11. Seems like that’s been missing most of the winter. The mid December event had it and the one which broke snowier a few weeks ago are the only ones I remember-maybe the previous swfe but that event crapped out in MA after giving most of CT the goods.
  12. 18z NAM kind of reinvigorates the clipper Tuesday.
  13. Another sloppy worthless event. I do feel glad for areas north of me and especially NNE which all things considered is still in the midst of a good snow winter.
  14. Maybe it was supposed to read 21 flakes….
  15. Pee run at 7:45 showed maybe 2 inches and I couldn’t tell if anything was falling but whatever it may have been it wasn’t snow. Woke up about 20 minutes ago almost as of I have a weenie snow alarm internally. Now snowing nicely and accumulating on pavement. Time for put up or shut up with CCB.
  16. Snowing pretty hard now. Accumulating on the pavement. The meat of the first batch is here. 0.75" so far.
  17. How is that even possible-unless you meant PL?
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