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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. Or maybe this winter has another belly laugh for sne weenies.
  2. Icon theoretically flips most of us to a big snow event. It’s also a minor leaguer.
  3. I get it but I’m sorry those ptype maps are crap especially deeper into the purple.
  4. I think it was but consider going from 50s to teens during the day-just a tad different I’d say…..
  5. If you were the good lord, would you prioritize snow weenies pray for vs end of starvation that others pray for?
  6. It depends on what we accept as nice. Highs in the 50s are too cold and we don’t reliably lose them before June everywhere.
  7. You have to factor the KFS bias of always keying in the first shot in a multi shot pattern.
  8. =1956&maand=03&dag=19&uur=1200&h=0&tr=360&nmaps=24#mapref My recollection is that the heaviest snow was Friday AM 3/16-I was northern NJ in 3rd grade. It must have stayed cold because we were sledding on packed icy snow on pavement all weekend. I think the gap was exactly that-48-54 hours. By sunset Sunday heavy snow had broken out.
  9. Why not? Pattern is active and March is dropping an egg every 48 hours it seems.
  10. Yeah it’s not like one wave will vaporize. It may be 2 near misses, an ots amd a cutter, but 2 decent systems within 500 miles of us in mid March happens a lot.
  11. When I think back to 56, it's amazing in that there were no sattelites, they did have radar but it was rudimentary and not widely used outside of hurricanes, NWP was plots and the mathematics were not computer enhanced. I guess that's why the big event on 3/18/56 came with no advanced warning. Some flurries flying by as my mother gave me lunch and I had my eyes glued on the window. I turned on the radio and the forecast was 1-2 inches. After lunch I took my sled to the hilly street with all the other kids in the neighborhood-picture the large number of 8-10 year old boomers. The snow from the event 2 days prior was still quite good for sledding. We didn't notice the fact that snow was increasing and as it was starting to get dark, everyone's mom came out to make us all go home-I guess at that point NWS (then the Weather Bureau) realized it was going to be much bigger than originally expected. As we were reluctantly trudging home with our moms I looked up and realized it was starting to snow pretty hard. The next morning was literally a raging blizzard with snow caked on houses and drifts exceeding 10 feet. One of my all timers for sure. Now we have so much better technology but it's tough to get it at day 5-6 still.
  12. I remind everyone again that March of 1956 played out similarly to what is being depicted in the delayed but not denied camp.
  13. The first 2 of the team on the left aren’t exactly pieces of murderers row….
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