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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. In my 78 years, monster blizzards outside of the high mountains (Rockies, Sierras) are rare. You have the misfortune of growing up when they were more common but going back 250 years won’t find all that many. And now we’re balancing the scales. I can recall even in the great periods when 6+ was big time.
  2. He actually shows a strong snow weenie who is telling it as he sees it. Believe me get him a 12 burger and he’ll rejoice.
  3. Lock up the clown map people. LOCK THEM UP, LOCK THEM UP….
  4. Isn’t that the Canadian border if you’re Kevin?
  5. Euro follows the 0Z trend. Tomorrow's another day.
  6. I got hit with the edge of the squall while out walking. A fun few minutes with snow covering some icy spots making things a bit dicey.
  7. That’s the trend tonight at least.
  8. Boundary seems almost right along the pike per gfs. Sagging south with time. Another 20-30 miles bring literally millions of folks into a more wintry outcome.
  9. NAM is “like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get”
  10. If we get another tick in the next 2 cycles we could be ok in the pike region.
  11. 1 inch. Temperature already up to 40.
  12. Light snow-started in the past hour-just finally looked outside.
  13. Cold shots of air….did he want to differentiate air from beer?
  14. You said Bermuda shorts. I think that makes you old like a few of us.
  15. I am offended by being called old! 78 is the new ….wait I guess I’m old…..
  16. Well I guess I started something. I’m sorry snowcrazed, I did not intend to hurt your feelings. I deleted the post that offended you but I admit tears are welling in my eyes from the humorous absurdity of this conversation.
  17. Gfs verbatim…is a mess. This may take until 60 hours out to figure out.
  18. The way the current guidance is it is congrats no one as most of the precipitation is south of the boundary. What a winter.
  19. They had 6-8, you got what…5? I think if that’s correct your expectations need some work. Maybe I’m misremembering but this was always a fast quick hitting system and we got that albeit a bit shorter.
  20. And sure enough euro is a bit too far south but I like our trends overall. Now it can slow and stop.
  21. Well not really-verbatim it’s a 3 day break and the gefs don’t seem interested in it.
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