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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. Cf apparent on the nam running right on the south shore up about to punch into cape ann and just east of BOS. I'm gonna have some fun.
  2. You. Should come Bryan. You'd get to meet Tip and realize he's as crazy as the rest of us. NAM is running. Here we go!
  3. I doubt people off the cape get under 18 inches. Writing is on the wall for this big boy.
  4. Not sure. I missed it as I moved to LA about 15 months earlier. I will go to my grave with the disappointment of missing that storm so hopefully this one is a decent match.
  5. SnowMan melted as the cold air to lay the foundation for the blizzard rolls in.
  6. Actually NWS and some TV mets forecasted it quite well but some prominent OCMs pooh poohed it.
  7. Looks like from about Newburyport then following roughly 495 down to just west of PVD.
  8. So I tried to post but couldn't. So I'll try again. The impact of 78 was largely due to a skeptical public refusing to believe the forecasts. Then when the start of the snow was delayed, they figured it wasn't happening. So lots of folks got caught on the roads. I can't ever see that happening today.
  9. You crazy bastard! I thought it was real for a second!
  10. might have posted this earlier....but it's my happiest thread on record.. http://www.easternuswx.com/bb/index.php?/topic/16708-hecs/
  11. I wish I had the old school storm summaries..l1950s/60s
  12. Then I must be thinking of another one. Even Harvey had egg on his face....a huge bust......maybe it was 2/10.
  13. I thought it was the storm that NYC ended up being buried by but we got rain as did Caribou......
  14. I joust remember warning everyone of the elephant in the room. We were under a blizzard warning while our temperature was near 50 and CAR was something like 38. Most tried to drown me out but I was correct. If I ( serious snow weenie) downplay snow, take it seriously
  15. I don't know you. But we're in the same extended family . Seeing this post and knowing you are safe has made my night. I was in KC this week and spent some time watching the aftermath coverage. I think it's safe to say we're all thinking of you and wish you the best and strength to find a way to put this trauma in perspective.
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