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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. I don't think it's back door as much as standard fropa.
  2. Yes Wednesday onwards next week look like 70s with low dews.
  3. Either way it will be great. Daylight forever!
  4. Lol....I was there in mid June 25 years ago and it was an inferno-90s most days.
  5. Going to make a TP run for next week.
  6. Yeah what I saw is a burst of heat followed by near or a tad above normal for the longer range.
  7. In other words-seasons in seasons.
  8. Psst-it'll be close to 80 today.
  9. Pretty normal but this year has been brutal!
  10. Thankfully I head to California next Thursday. Maybe we're coming out it upon my return 2 days later.
  11. Lol.....I had to turn the fukking heat back on-Memorial Day.
  12. Steamy yesterday but mid 60s dews today seem manageable if you can avoid the searing cancer producing direct sun.
  13. Check out the full meso sites. 70 or very close was commonplace. Marlborough now is 70.
  14. Good call Kevin. Near 70 in most of eastern MA away from the immediate coast.
  15. Looks like you're up to 65-nice day.
  16. 64 right now where you play. What exact location?
  17. Good luck at 70. I'm calling 64 the max at ORH.
  18. Meanwhile a muggy 70 here in Princeton, NJ.
  19. Tomorrow? Good luck with that! If you hit 60-65 it's a win. Maybe you can squeeze out 68 as you pack everyone into the car to come home Sunday...
  20. Looks like sweatshirts for the tourney Kevin.
  21. Nice day today. Currently 70 IMBY.
  22. Lol...it's like dealing with HR...
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