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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. James should rent a room in Diane’s house. I think he may have some problems as far east on the cape he is.
  2. This map also suggests some decent banding in western areas into Logan11 land but maybe some awful screw zones in the middle.
  3. Near the canal but look st the numbers for 1/4/18. Ths storm is remarkably similar but obviously it’s not as cold.
  4. I wouldn’t go to the cape. They will lose half their qpf to rain or slop. However, if you go to PYM you just may be in Jack zone.
  5. GFS did not change the qpf disruptions. Looks nearly identical where it brings the goods. NAM was similar.. RGEM went a bit in the meh direction. I would not change a thing from my thinking of 12+ in general ORH east with the possibility of spectacular amounts mbedded.
  6. I feel good about this one given tonight’s trends. Good night friends. Sugar plums in our dreams.
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