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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. Just did a one mile dog walk. Ripping and piling up. This should be a good one.
  2. Opened my eyes at 4am and looked outside from bedroom window with snow but wet. Slept till 6 and woke up to the plow-jumped out of bed and we winter.
  3. Btw..with all the hand wringing over the ukmet last night the qpf field is actually a hair west.
  4. Hey James-2005 is walking in your door! Complete with the gfs fart while happened in that storm
  5. I don’t consider gfs big time for these events. I’m pretty sure I’ve seen this behavior in all the big ones including January 2015. Ukmet a hair east may need t make a difference actually.
  6. Use the mobile. Best desktop radar to me is weathertap but it costs (not much-maybe $85/year).
  7. Well we rolled the dice and winter may go up from D 3 weeks ago to B of this pans out even if we’re in the middling range with more in the pipeline. Front and back loaded winter.
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