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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. 16 inches. Probably a tad low but I’m going with that
  2. I hope my guy shows up before I work tomorrow or I’m in the same boat but considerably older.
  3. Logan at 12.1 as of 7pm. They’ll end up with 13-14. Mid 50s for the season so far.
  4. Matches my impression as well. One more meaty band and then light sn showers.
  5. Moderate snow now but it appears to be ramping up again. Furious start, furious finish.
  6. Making up for lost time. 14.2 down with heavy snow.comtinuing.
  7. Visibility about 1/16 at this point. What a dumping!
  8. Mostly 12-14. Here just west it’s snowing 2-3/hour. Logan will report in with a 7pm reading. I think most is end with 15+.
  9. I have 12.5 as of 5 minutes ago. Let’s see if we can make hay while the sun shines.
  10. Now we’re nearly pounding as the band slowly moves in. I like the fact that it doesn’t want to speed up. Should be good for several inches more.
  11. Much better rates now-moderate to heavy snow. Flake size still mundane bit things are increasing in ability to pile up.
  12. So when this is all done Logan will have somewhere in the 50s for the winter. As of 1pm they are 50.8. I would not have predicted that on March 1st.
  13. The severe subby over me awhile ago is over southie now. Patience Jay!
  14. Looks like a nice potential for heavy snow further east as things depart.
  15. Steve may pull 2 feet. He’s always pulling for everyone else so to me it’s well deserved.
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