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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. Hey Freak-we’re already planning our next VT sojourn. Probably head to Stowe mid October for a long weekend. Gonna sample the 4 seasons where seasons really ARE in season. Give me some recommendations for lodging. TYIA.
  2. Logan had a high of 96. 21 days AOA 90. Maybe another one or 2 this week and that’s it. I believe we’ve had 6 AOA 96.
  3. Your presence will warm the hearts of those in attendance. Not to mention the caprese and cannolis! We can do a snow tag team slide show!
  4. Salmon. And a whole slew of appetizers and other dishes. Not to mention wine,beer, and whiskey!
  5. I just need it dry next Sunday night. 25 people for dinner is better if folks can spill outdoors.
  6. We just stumbled onto this trial so we’re hiking up to sunset rock and a bit beyond before we head back. What’s not to love? Are those sirens we just heard heading to the mountains to rescue the hikers?
  7. Hey freak-we’re in Stowe! Taking a little hike. The village with 148 inch snow climo. You complain too much in winter!
  8. Looking west and seeing a bunch of towns on the upslope tells me 15 miles out of town would bring 150+.
  9. When will you put it up? This summer is still a hot market in my hood. Houses sell quickly still well above asking so you may be pleasantly surprised if you list it in the next few weeks. Good luck!
  10. Eyewall moves here like 3 years ago. But his first years after living in the south were rough. Definitely a lot of snow coming in nickels and dimes. These further west locations have more trouble tapping the Atlantic. Last year BTV had about 95 inches.
  11. We’re staying in an air bnb right on the lake with spectacular views.
  12. Man Burlington may be the place for us. Definitely matches our vibe and energy vs Boston. Will come back for a longer spell in the fall.
  13. Speaking of extermination-had to do in a hornets nest on my property Thursday. My wife happened on it and got stung multiple times.....quick benedril FTW.
  14. There’s no doubt we’re in a warm regime but keep in mind the holy grail-snow-has been above normal by a significant margin vs historical averages over the past 25-30 years. At some point the warmth will mute that if it keeps happening. Losing the Greenland ice shield would be a game changer and it could trigger a fairly rapid reversal.
  15. This conjures a much better visual vs a Canadian girdle.
  16. What was the AO/NAO in spring? Did it foretell this summer? I certainly wouldn’t want a summer negative because the chance of that holding for 6+ months isn’t high. I just don’t think there’s much correlation but maybe someone can get the stats and help us either strengthen the argument or put it to rest.
  17. Basically a more west based weak nino which tends to give us good winters. No guarantees but that seems to be where we’re heading.
  18. Yes. But if we’re heading to late fall put the brakes on.
  19. Why wouldn’t you with a weak Modoki?
  20. There is no correlation between now and winter. Based on ENSO leading in I’m cautiously optimistic but I wouldn’t forecast either until mid October.
  21. So just to clarify-OFA uses astrology as their basis. No joke.
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