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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. We’re close enough to bottom even if we lose a tad more. i hard saved today’s image for comparison. Here comes winter!
  2. Take frequent weekends in Tahoe. I’ve yold this story before- Veterans Day weekend 1985-we went up to June Lake up around 8,000 feet. A system was coming on and the day before had it plenty cold. That Saturday night/Sunday brought 30 inches in about 12 hours. Among my better snow experiences.
  3. Sacramento is an under the radar great town! Close enough to the Bay Area without the ridiculous sticker price. I wont go back though unless my daughter ends up there which would mean all 3 kids in California.
  4. I feel your pain. Probably was not too far from where you’re posting as I read headlines from February 1978.
  5. That’s rough Steve! Get well! You will walk in snow ths winter! You overnighting in the hospital?
  6. Yeah I just looked at the years vs season but peeking at the year before validated the results roughly. I think a 3 season sample doesn’t help. Often the ridging in the goak translates down to OR. But the Pineapple Express into California particularly southern areas sets the stage for our fun here.
  7. Looking at Seattle-2015 was mildly wet and the other 2 years in the sample were mildly dry. Average annual qpf is 39 inches (less than Boston). The range in those years is from 33.99 in 1978 to 44.83 in 2015.
  8. I was in California 77-78-rained a ton! Was among the wettest on record.
  9. Did some clearing of the back areas and it was coolish. 40 year old dryer finally bought the farm...
  10. Wake me when there’s either a tropical threat or it’s November.
  11. Uninstalling 9/6 is a problem. I end up covering the compressor in October and sometimes deep into the month. A tropical system yielding 77/70 will require it.
  12. Last 90 today is my call. Warm pattern but the extreme heat is done and by next week 90 is extreme climo wise.
  13. I haven’t forgotten-first order of business after hanging it up at work. Or if I took a work from home gig.
  14. Well I drove home from the dealer last night and picked up my wife. We drove around to enjoy it for awhile. I drove to work and home today. I’m up to 37 miles on it.
  15. Stuck with the Honda Accord. I didn’t want to increase lease payment too much.....last one I drove 16,000 miles in 3 years which includes 700 in one day last year.
  16. Picked up my new car today. Every 3 years whether I need it or not......everything’s self driving nowadays...
  17. Not going for foliage. You can get great foliage within a half hour of where I’m at now. Probably will go 1-2 weeks post Columbus Day. Going mainly to get to know the town and surrounding areas better.
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