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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. MJO like current in winter would indeed be fun.
  2. I think it’s totally unrelated to upcoming ENSO. It could be a hangover from the summer but mid month October looks to flip cooler.
  3. Exactly! Wonder if 1976-77 stands up...
  4. Solar however has been muted even during the maximum for about the plast 12 years or so I think.
  5. If you look at 2014-15, one epic month made an all timer. So wire to wire is great but give us a good stretch with the lead in factors and we should do pretty well.
  6. So the signs are good but sometimes the analog is good but luck isn’t. We’ve had a run of good luck with good patterns lately.
  7. 2002 featured an abnormally is warm first half of October with a polar opposite 2nd half. November-March were cold and snowy with coastal areas snow somewhat muted in December and January but epic thereafter.
  8. It’s kind of a gradient pattern but due to seasonal considerations the gradient is in Canada. I have a hard time believing the SE ridge has any winter staying power with looming modoki.
  9. February and March tried. Powderfreak endorsed.
  10. Good luck Steve-I’m thinking of you and please post when you wake up to let us know you’re ok.
  11. Not necessarily. Just a potential earlier start than we’ve seen in recent years.
  12. Look at the longer range. We may go early and deep this year.
  13. Ray factoring snow in the house purchase...oh wait....
  14. Did they ever guesstimate on a cause for the gas leaks? Poor people in Lawrence. When my street had a minor leak last Xmas eve-National Grid was out in full force till morning fixing something that could have probably waited.
  15. https://www.natice.noaa.gov/ims/index.html
  16. I think they held d/t what’s happened in the past few hours.
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