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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. I think most of the east is well above for October so far. A good chunk if not all could be wiped out but my guess is we finish slightly above for the month.
  2. I recall trick or treating for Halloween when I under age 10 in steady snow in New Jersey.
  3. First of all we’re not getting a widespread snow bomb before the end of this month. Secondly-look at this pattern. In 2011 it was a few days before and after the event. This is so 2002 esque.
  4. Cold pattern setting in and fairly wet too. Would love it to durable for 5 months.
  5. 37 for the low today. I’m a wimp....flipped the heat on Friday evening and covered compressor. I’m switched to winter mode in my brain.
  6. Basically all guidance is good. Judah worried about the lackluster beginning of snow advance in western Siberia per his Twitter. I’m not sure the SAI is a reasonably reliable index given the sample size and recent results. Also, with the rest of October looming it could change.
  7. Leslie proved into Portugal and Spain. Another potential NAO helper.
  8. 44 and raining decently here. Had one of the wires connecting one of the bird feeders come down when a limb fell on it taking a piece of the reinforcing wood with it-plank intact and saved but it’s too high up for me to go up there at this point in life..besides I don’t have a high ladder.
  9. 1991 has a snow event Veterans Day that dumped an inch in Winchester where I was living at the time. Also, some events in December. I had this girlfriend up in PWM. I remember heading up there one Saturday afternoon with temperatures approaching 50 but I hit the boundary in southern NH. 14 inches in Portland. Well worth the trip!
  10. Interesting Liberty references the 1994 January ice storm. Here in Boston it was snow and tons of it! That’s our #3 winter with 96.3 on the season.
  11. In terms of sensible wx, for my neighborhood 2002 is a near perfect match including dates of the flip from way above normal in October to this year of guidance is reasonably close.
  12. Flying under the radar until the past 36 hours, Michael takes his seat at the table of all timers.
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