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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. I just don’t buy it based on life experience and no stories about the 20 inch sleet storm...
  2. I call bs on 20 inches of sleet. I don’t doubt the obs is in the books but my guess is the 20 inches was mainly snow.
  3. You and I are on that analog. The old men and the weenies....
  4. Lots of lightning and thunder. Had to get the doggie out-figured it’s CTC and no worries....lol.
  5. You can text me and I’ll answer all of your questions my boy...
  6. I use a phone at work-never post on work servers. At home mainly an iPad but sometimes a phone. The only time I use a laptop is when I’m working from home or working on a project that involves presentations that could be as much as a half gig or more in size. I need mobility and even laptops don’t give you what a truly mobile device does.
  7. This is true. I used to use a computer to post. Now it’s a phone. There’s a limit to how much you can post typing with your thumbs. Don’t get me wrong, I miss the days of long strongly researched posts coming from me. But things change in life and we’re all rolling with it.
  8. I bet when this October goes into the books 2002 temperatures will match.
  9. I remember when SNE weenies were high 5ing and spiking the ball and I dared to mention the elephant in the room-that being the 38 degree temperature at caribou. Foretold
  10. Depends on where. Accumulating an inch in Boston in October correlates to a poor winter but if Boston gets a smaller amount that correlation doesn’t apply. And it’s only Boston. Worcester has no such correlation. But beware-sample size renders these correlations relatively useless.
  11. Looks like 25 does it for the low and current temperatures. Impressive stretch for October.!
  12. 2004 was interesting with the snow occurring during the holiday period followed by a very torchy period in January before the hammer dropped. Never looked back after that similar to 2015 but obviously not as intense.
  13. December 2014 was a mega torch. Then things flipped in January and we had the snow run of and our lives.
  14. One of our cars is a leased CRV. The 2018 is our 4th-love it!
  15. It’s not October but autumn as a whole.
  16. Ninos often tend to be stormy in the autumn. 2011-12 was a second year of nina-we should have known since they are rarely good. Not sure about the 2nd year nino results are which could come in 2019-20.
  17. I don’t look at one storm as in 2011 as a signal. The pattern was crap save for 10 days over 6 months. I can’t remember 2006 autumn actually. 2015 was not a ratter. It was a bit weak but within 20-25% of normal snow. Also, we had some bad luck. Point is this chilly pattern seems to have legs and that can’t be bad.
  18. This will be my 73rd winter beginning 12/1 after 4:03 AM. So figuring I lost the first 10 years to growing up enough to pay attention. I lost 15 winters residing in LA. That leaves a strong memory of 47 winters. I’ve never seen a ratter after an autumn with decent coastals....never.
  19. https://climate.rutgers.edu/snowcover/chart_daily.php?ui_year=2018&ui_day=292&ui_set=2 Catching up in Eurasia?
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