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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. Lol.....dendrite is the chicken man- Mitch is the mountain man.
  2. Finally! Lighter mornings. Earlier bedtime with model data in an hour earlier. My SADD lasts Labor Day to Halloween and then I’m ok.
  3. So many worried weenies...lol A dry pattern in a positive ENSO year is unusual.
  4. Everything looks ok to me. Nothing out of the ordinary and most importantly a stormy pattern. Winter comes first to the Midwest? Our turn is coming.
  5. November starts this week so I started the November thread.
  6. First days AOA. Ensembles say cooling and maybe cold after mid month?
  7. Larry thinks winter will be pretty intense after New Years.
  8. During the 80s, Niño years produced ok snow fwiw. The best sign is how active it is. I will feel a lot more optimistic if that high activity continues through November.
  9. Through 10/27: BOS: +0.8 BDL: +1.0 ORH: -1.1 PVD: -0.2
  10. Per SV, the 10/27 ssta: enso 1: 0.05 enso 1.2: 0.37 enso 2: 0.70 Enso 3.4: 0.55 Ens 4: 0.93 modoki index: 0.65 If we typically experience the effects in 3 months, we’re basically game over for winter.
  11. I think there are examples of not so good winters even with what would appear to guarantee one. And vice versa. It’s hard to have a handle because the least predictable element beyond 2 weeks is the nao. And that could be the difference. Unless we get episodes of transient blocking even less predictable.
  12. If this week working 60 hour week is retirement I’d hate to see what work is... some day...not yet.
  13. How do you run analogs of subsurface without a match to ssta ground truth? I’d want to see that before going forward since it doesn’t matter what subsurface is if it doesn’t translate the same way to the measured ssta.
  14. Lots of limbs down. Heard several bang up against the house. Last big b,ow a few weeks ago took down a large limb bringing down one of the bird feeders and pulling a plank off of the house (now repaired thankfully). El Niño rocks.
  15. Except Boston gets about 80% more snow on average vs NYC.
  16. 27 for the low. Starting to get used to it. It’s going to feel infernal when we have a stretch of 60s.
  17. And given the not too high heights and fairly pedestrian 850s, any flow off the water could be AOB. Looking at some of the guidance it wouldn’t surprise to see windy southeasters with moist 60+ at times.
  18. That’s why I’m not entirely sold on a sustained above normal pattern. It will relax for sure but mid 50s as climo early November would require some pretty warm temperatures for more than a day or 3.
  19. So Mike-once pit1 is sold, does pit2 become pit1? Inquiring mimes want to know.....
  20. Good post lurker. The so called torch is on the wimpy side and not with much staying power per guidance.
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