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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. Your presence will warm the hearts of those in attendance. Not to mention the caprese and cannolis! We can do a snow tag team slide show!
  2. Salmon. And a whole slew of appetizers and other dishes. Not to mention wine,beer, and whiskey!
  3. I just need it dry next Sunday night. 25 people for dinner is better if folks can spill outdoors.
  4. So I see BOX added the melted amount to KBOS. 1.15 for 14.8 snow at Logan.
  5. The setting of the snow is amazing. I had to go to Hopkinton and from my house through that area that was in the band longer than me I couldn’t tell a depth difference. OTOH it’s nice to have all roads to pavement quickly in the mid March sun.
  6. I imagine BOS will adjust the 0.37 qpf giving 14.8 snow. No one Boston had 40:1....lol. First half was under 10:1 probably.
  7. Hey I get what you’re saying but is it proper or not? Glad I take a ruler and average a few areas when I bother to measure. I’m not that obsessed with the mby total vs established climo record. Which is why I’m happier if Logan gets 25 and me 15 vs the other way around.
  8. Hi Don-thanks as usual for your wonderful insight. For the record, BOS added 0.3 after midnight so Logan is 0.1 away from 1906 and 0.5 from 1960...indeed 1.1 from 1967. Top 3 are big mountains to climb but I think we move into 4th place without much effort.
  9. Winter wonderland for the ides of March. Logan now with 55+ for the season and something looming possible for next week. Had we somehow gotten this NAO a month earlier we’d have partied like it was 2015.
  10. You should defend yourself. Harvey needs to know your work ethic. What’s your twitter handle?
  11. 16 inches. Probably a tad low but I’m going with that
  12. I hope my guy shows up before I work tomorrow or I’m in the same boat but considerably older.
  13. Logan at 12.1 as of 7pm. They’ll end up with 13-14. Mid 50s for the season so far.
  14. Matches my impression as well. One more meaty band and then light sn showers.
  15. Moderate snow now but it appears to be ramping up again. Furious start, furious finish.
  16. Making up for lost time. 14.2 down with heavy snow.comtinuing.
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