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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. How a sh’tty winter can turn on a dime.....read the entire thread.... t
  2. “ May have been the best spring ever.
  3. Models bringing back NYE or trying at least. CMC is a dank rain event actually.
  4. 2014. Care to repeat the rest of the winter?
  5. 1pm is kind of early...I’ll get there when I can but not sure if it will be 1...
  6. The modeling of the euro family Verbatim is more 3-6 like.
  7. EPS shows that. We snow on Sunday and a warmer solution a couple of days later.
  8. Snowy Sunday on the euro. We thread.
  9. Given Telly Savales’s age more like his father.
  10. Thank you! Hopefully they’ll be right!
  11. I thInk in this case futility refers to weakest snow December on record.
  12. When I first looked I’m thinking wtf? But that’s a strong pna which would probably keep us in good shape. We’ll see. Sometimes these tellies are just numbers with oscillations of a few hundred miles making big differences.
  13. What’s your areas climo? Nearer the ocean it’s easier to get 20+ but seasonal totals are probably less than yours.
  14. So now because people haven’t seen 20 in a while winter sucks? 2010-11 was a great winter...nothing over 20 in most of SNE.
  15. That’s an EPO kissing pna to me. EPO moving further east makes it better for us.
  16. Agree. Been a signal for a few days now.
  17. System around the 31st could be good.
  18. Occasionally it happens. I’ve seen way more March snow vs December in my lifetime and it’s a pretty big sample size.
  19. In 2018, I had snow otg for weeks in March-until very late month or later-can’t remember...
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