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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. I like the split flow showing. Stops the pacific jet in its tracks and puts it work for us snow geese.
  2. Do you have an arrangement to stay in the snowiest place during a storm?
  3. If we double climo normal during the 6 weeks I’m ok. Unless we’re doing big snows in March I’m good with warmth.
  4. Close the shades and open them on 1/10.
  5. I just remember leaving to move to LA in mid November 1976 after a series of decent but often frustrating winters. My first years there all hell breaks loose here. We all have life disappointments-stuff we didn’t do or stuff we shouldn’t have done. I will go to my grave with the sting of Great blizzard of 1978.
  6. I am pretty certain the actual anomalies look nothing like that forecast. Unfortunately the data is not available until the department of commerce where NOAA falls has appropriated funds.
  7. I’d actually be happy for them.
  8. 1978 had durable snow. I came to visit a month after the blizzard and there was still a very significant pack. It hadn’t snowed since the event.
  9. If only....I think we’re starting to get closer so 1/10 has some credibility.
  10. While deep down thinking......fuk...what if it IS a ratter......
  11. Gotta hope ensembles are correct. All with full steam ahead 1/10 and beyond.
  12. Lol..posted well after 12z came out...
  13. So I went ahead and looked. It doesn’t resemble what you posted John. It even has a snow event at the end of the run.
  14. Here’s an easy way to think about it. Everything to the left is good for us and to the right much less so.
  15. I still go back to 1960-61. 2 solid months of epicosity. Deep cold too. I was 14 which helped make it more special.
  16. Meh-in my running days the shorts cutoff was 40F
  17. Stretch, hot tub, sleep. Anytime of the year
  18. While I share the idea that we’ll likely do better vs what history shows, that statistic should give us some pause. It looks like 1955 and 2014 are the above, one nino and I believe 1955-56 was nina? I’m not completely sold we turn it around but the modeling looks good so let’s give it 3 weeks.
  19. Christmas Eve hybrid nor’easter with rain at all elevations in all of New England. Yes it was a major ratter and I’m not really thinking we’re going there...yet.
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