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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. James sucking the hairy wazoo with this thread...
  2. Unfortunately I only get 24 hour height differences and clearly they’re up at AK at the end of the run. comparing to 0z this is a significant improvement at the end of the run.
  3. I thought it was starting to cave just a little.
  4. EPS really likes a cold bias for the d6 system.
  5. Regarding 2014-15, although December was garbage the incredible cold and snow setting records in many locations skews it severe to me. It’s all subjective. Will’s listing of the 5 coldest winterms since 1960 with 60% being ninos is telling despite the small sample size. One of the 3 was 2014-15 based in overall temperatures.
  6. I think those critters are clipppers that are middling in guidance and outdo it. The guidance here is pretty strong already.
  7. That’s not what gfs does in the end though. Ends up a SWFE of the old school variety.
  8. I just know that when there’s enough of a trough to drop it under us ala 2/6/78 we do quite well. It’s impossible to make blanket statements because downstream conditions dictate the outcome.
  9. GEFS certainly not backing down at 12z.
  10. Define severe. That’s me it’s way above normal snow.
  11. Going into the nw isn’t the issue-many of our signature storms started there.
  12. They did pan out...in region 5. It’s the forecast going forward that differs.
  13. That’s way out there tho and with tons of spread.
  14. That’s a consistent signal on all the guidance and it’s strong today so far. Warning snows in the pike region.
  15. But your premise is wrong. Things suck because the pacific jet is roaring. Put high pressure where low is in AK and we party .
  16. Had nothing to do with where the cold dumped. Canada is very cold.
  17. The eps is the board’s mental health barometer. Nothing else. Not the fact that all guidance has our first good snows on a long time next week, not the epic GEFS and GEPS look...nothing.
  18. The euro family has MJO in 7 by tomorrow and 8 for about a week before dying in the cod. You would think guidance would be better? That’s today’s forecast but is it that much different vs yesterday? http://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/precip/CWlink/MJO/CLIVAR/clivar_wh.shtml
  19. GEPS and GEFS worlds apart. I have to think maybe eps is not right here but history suggests they have a clue....
  20. People won’t be satisfied no matter what due to losing December. But give SNE folks 20-30 per month for 2-3 months and the whining will be significantly muted. Anyone expecting 60/month is not realistic but realism never stopped anybody before....
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