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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. Lol...had the same thought. Let’s see if his more sober cousin concurs.
  2. Now if Canada shuts down we’ll have needed clarity...
  3. Some positive MJO forecast changes this morning.
  4. There is more upside potential with this one.
  5. If it’s a widespread 1-2 it will have impact. As currently modeled it’s a cold system so it’s not like things wash away poof like often happens. We’re splitting hairs here though...
  6. Quiet in here this morning. All the weenies shook their sillies out yesterday....
  7. Gfs kind of shows that with the ivt. Still a work in progress but at least temperature wise we’re trending in the right direction.
  8. Yeah a strung together it mess. But cold.
  9. Verbatim that gets areas south of the pike down to nyc.
  10. But even that winter didn’t get rolling until a few days after Christmas. That was fabulous for the pike region...number 3 of all time snow wise and bitter cold.
  11. Gfs has it in pieces with the first batch mostly frozen for the pike region. CMC is colder even. Good trends tonight!
  12. I’m not so sure he knows better.....
  13. Your definition of severe is 1960-61 to a t! You’d have liked it.
  14. Lol...you set the morning crew down a hole. Now the night shift starts ordering shots...
  15. Continuing eps changes. Hopefully has the right idea.
  16. First steps out of the nadir can be tough for some...
  17. It does kind of build on the small changes at 0z but I agree continuity is key!
  18. Thunder hole conjures other than wintry precipitation images for me....
  19. Euro much colder for week’s event. My man in Gloucester gets it good!
  20. ??? Remember the VDAY storm? We had ice in the ground obscuring grass for weeks.
  21. January 2007 the cherry blossoms on the hill by the Brighton Marine Hospital were I full bloom. February and March were frigid.
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