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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. When it’s cold out we have nary a cloud. Been fun!
  2. Most qpf events since mid summer have over produced.
  3. I imagine euro will continue to slowly trend in this direction.
  4. Tip’s missed opportunity while barfing. Stuff legends are made of...
  5. RGEM seems back to where it was 5 years ago. But for one glorious winter it was king...
  6. For me it is. One thing I have not enough of is time...
  7. Nope. I’m amazed at the time you have to compose well written and long essays.
  8. He certainly is on something if he thinks this is probable for all of SNE.
  9. Tip definitely doesn’t have a job...
  10. They emphasized NW MA/NW CT. That seems marginally possible but not likely.
  11. Hard and brown. Feel of winter without the look.
  12. It’s cold this morning! Actually feels like winter.
  13. It was always weaker with EPO vs GEFS but at the end of the run it looked like it was ready to go gangbusters.
  14. Can’t be right. 2006 had measurable 0.8 in December and 1.0 in January at BOS. 1999-00 didn’t get a trace before January. Not a flake. Ponder that.....
  15. Burst of flakes here but no evidence. Colder air moving in.
  16. But to answer the question. 1/12/00 was the first measurable that season. Not sure of the record though.
  17. I guess after 72 years I have my snow weenie side but there are so many more meaningful things in life. Give me a few months and I’ll let you know what they are....lol.
  18. MJO progs better again today. People are whacked.
  19. Hey Kevin, stoughton isn’t a town near the water. First thing I do is take a look at the overnight model runs. Seeing nothing changed and then read the bs from people taking a post that the poster admitted as tongue in cheek and running wild. ths place can sure suck sometimes.
  20. Thanks for those numbers. Someone on our forum implied you were tacoman. Truthfully your writing style is different so I had some skepticism. in 2015,Boston got an additional 106.8 inches. In 2013, 57.6. In 1969 it was 48.2. So it can turn around big time here and in our current climate regime we seem capable of having stronger storms. If we got 20 inches for the rest of January, 30 for February. And 20 for March, Ray comes close but still falls short. The bad breaks (measurement 11/15 and bad luck 12/1-15) really minimized Ray’s chance of hitting his numbers. With that said, I’m rooting for it....lol.
  21. That map is through 7AM Tuesday. The burst between 6 and 9 might be the bulk of the snow.
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