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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. Yup. You and I were dumbfounded on the way home from the gtg.
  2. Nothing like getting 23 flakes after tracking a system for 5 days. Looks to be done until the folks up north cash in for round 2. Powderfreak to alex to tamarack special.
  3. The good trends are the massive pattern change still on. The threat over the upcoming weekend is fun if it happens but current guidance is weak.
  4. I’m starting to feel more confident in something....unsure what but doubt it’s a miss completely.
  5. Oh yeah...this should be more fun vs 18z.
  6. Old forecast of MJO and not factually correct today. I showed you the latest prog from eps this morning.
  7. Nope. And it’s correcting left every day.
  8. Easy-I believe he is our old friend snowplow from NJ.
  9. It looks ok. Eastern southern New England gets clipped. It’s where we want it 6 days out.
  10. I’ll go to my grave with the sting of disappointment for moving to LA 15 months too soon....
  11. It may not be over the top. Remember 78 was a low of 984-decent but not earth shattering. The 1055 HP over Manitoba created quite the gradient!
  12. Of course those religious people who suffer from snow may have a different take...
  13. Pattern on all the ensembles looking good in the extended.
  14. That probably would not happen with that exact track. We take that.
  15. CMC is a weenie solution. What’s wrong with it?
  16. I didn’t start looking and was about to refute Kevin’s better posts but then I looked and it was working for awhile. No time to study it closely though.
  17. How does uncle score so well when he spends half his time at the 19th hole?
  18. Every day they’re coming in better and more leftward
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