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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. When Forky’s excited about the pattern pay attention folks.
  2. Is it good? Tell is why though. How else can we learn? The one time I invite a long winded post you give me a 2 liner....
  3. Please elaborate. PV in Hudson’s vs James Bay seems good and that’s the eps late term signal. In fact if you loop the entire run you can see the PV wax and wane which I think is good?
  4. That’s a big eps signal near the 20th!
  5. Bingo! (Anyone ever see the movie middle aged crazy?)
  6. Nice burst of snow. Some fool with an umbrella just walked by...
  7. Here’s how I measure. Stick a ruler on my patio in multiple areas not encumbered by trees and get an average. I then validate the average with other locations on the property. And yes it’s Brookline but the snowiest part-elevated South Brookline.
  8. Even VA gets a pedestrian event at best.
  9. At my current location. Done. Already with. 6.6.
  10. For a 10 day threat the time around 1/20 is sending a pretty loud signal.
  11. Euro op goes out to 90 hours and eps 144 for the off hour runs. ECMWF sucking the weenies in...
  12. CHO is where it’s at for the snow this time.
  13. To me ideally if winter is going to be loaded one of the halves take the front load. Snow for the holidays into January similar to last season but without the March wallop I probably would have written ratter so who knows....
  14. The 11-15 eps is as good as I’ve seen it in a long time-over a year at least. Everyone be patient and keep hope alive.
  15. It’s a brief period overrunning on the euro.
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