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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. Interestingly enough...GFS MEX gives BOS an 8 for Friday, 1 Saturday, 8 Sunday. 8 Friday? What gives?
  2. They don’t want to go there in the big picture....
  3. Lol....cmon Nick...you may not be able to admit it publicly but I bet you’d fold with a few drinks in you off the record...
  4. Agree. GFS is the Texas Rangers. CMC is the orioles.
  5. It blows and you know it. I don’t care about the scores...it’s borderline worthless.
  6. No matter where pickles moves to, the 925 0C line finds him...
  7. It seems to me that the signal is more sleet vs zr. Sleet shouldn’t cause much in the way of power issues...
  8. I’m thinking of getting one of those generacs that last for a long blackout but don’t want to spend $7k
  9. Do you know what the Yiddish word putz translates to in English?
  10. Enjoy your frozen pipes and ruined house...it’s the only ruined house you have...
  11. These snow maps are really like an opiate. You get addicted quickly. I’m finding myself looking at them first now....against all reasonable better judgment...
  12. I think meaningful snow ended early in the evening. Visibility is 3 miles or higher after around 6-7pm.
  13. That would be a durable pack with the euro depiction for sure!
  14. DCA with 10.2 for the weekend system that buried cape cod,MA.
  15. Boston has mostly snow with that winter. Ultimately ended up with 96 inches.
  16. Ok now really bed time. Saturday gtg could be fun.
  17. Gfs 0z looks more realistic in terms of output vs 18z.
  18. As usual the euro will be tonight’s arbiter in the gfs vs cmc argument
  19. It actually made a subtle move towards the other guidance vs 12z though.
  20. No acknowledgement of the broad Canadian icebox. They deserve to be dumped by Canada.
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